Beginner Level Intermediate Level Advanced Level

Specific Notions

SNOT: names of plants, trees, flowers House and home, environment • flora and fauna

OPD : flowers Nature Center

VSLW123 cắm hoa to arrange flowers vsl2

DUOS Có nhiều hoa và cây trên ngọn đồikia. There are many flowers and trees on that hill. Nature
DUOS Ai đã để hai tỷ đoá hoa trong phòng ngủ của tôi? Who put two billion flowers in my bedroom? Classifiers 2
DUOS Bộ đầm đó được làm từ những đoá hoa. That dess is made by flowers. Classifiers 2
DUOS đoá CF (flowers) Classifiers 2

50L Bà tưới hoa. * Grandma is watering the flowers. 020
50L Ở đâu có thể mua hoa? * Where can one buy flowers? 043
50L Chúng tôi đã phải tưới hoa. * We had to water the flowers. 089

like: flowers
VNEN bó hoa * bouquet (of flowers) *
VNEN bông * (1) cotton
(2) flower, blossom, [CL for flowers]
(3) coupon
(4) to joke, jest, kid around
VNEN chòm * tuft (of hair), clump (of trees), bunch (of flowers), group (of stars) *
VNEN chùm hoa * cluster of flowers *
VNEN chết khô * dead, withered, (of flowers) fade, wither, droop *
VNEN hương hoa * joss-sticks and flowers *
VNEN móng rồng * a type of vine whose flowers have five petals, are yellow and shaped like dragon’s claws *
VNEN một bó hoa * a bouquet (of flowers) *
VNEN nguyệt hoa * moon and flowers, flirtation, courting, lovemaking *
VNEN ngâu * aglaia (kind of tree with fragrant little flowers); seventh lunar month *
VNEN nhặt hoa * to pick, gather flowers *
VNEN trăm hoa đua nở * (let) a hundred flowers bloom *
VNEN tưới hoa * to water flowers *
VNEN vườn nức mùi hoa * a garden pervaded with the fragrance of flowers *
VNEN đóa * [CL for flowers] *