Beginner Level Intermediate Level Advanced Level

Specific Notions

SNOT: flat House and home, environment • types of accommodation
SNOT: flat House and home, environment • region

OXF3000: bằng phẳng flat

BNC6000 : flat [ Rank: 2327 ] a 👪
BNC6000 : flat [ Rank: 1526 ] n 👪

OPD : flat sheet A Bedroom
OPD : flats Shoes and Accessories
OPD : have a flat tire Taking a Trip
OPD : flat screen TV / flat panel TV Electronics and Photography

FN: flat n Building_subparts

VSLW123 căn hộ flat, apartment vsl2
VSLW123 tẹt (...mũi) flat (...nose) vsl2
VSLW123 nón quai thao traditional flat top hat vsl3

50L Lốp xe của tôi bị thủng. * I have a flat tyre / tire (am.). 041

like: flat
VNEN a * (1) (exclamation of surprise, regret, etc.)
(2) sickle
(3) to rush, dash
(4) to gather
(5) to flatter, curry favor with, kiss up to
(6) area of 100 square meters
VNEN a mi * close or intimate friend; to flatter *
VNEN bàn chân bẹt * a flat foot *
VNEN bánh tai voi * elephant’s ear-shaped flat cake *
VNEN bãi * (1) field, flat area, plain
(2) to stop, cease, halt, cancel, annul, disperse
VNEN bè bè * flat and wide *
VNEN bèn bẹt * flat, flattish *
VNEN bình nguyên * plain, field, flatland *
VNEN bằng * (1) equal to, the same as, even, level, flat, calm, peaceful, safe
(2) to use, be made of; to travel by (means of), be transported by, run (using some fuel)
(3) friend, comrade
(4) diploma, certificate
(5) by means of, with, in (language)
(6) proof, evidence, sup
VNEN bằng phẳng * evenly, smoothly; flat, level, even, flush *
VNEN bẹp * crushed, deformed, misshapen, flattened *
VNEN bẹp dí * flattened, squashed *
VNEN bẹp rúm * flattened, deformed *
VNEN bẹt * flattened, squashed, flat, elongated *
VNEN bị bẹp lốp * to have a flat tire *
VNEN bị xẹp vỏ * to have a flat tire *
VNEN bợ * to be shameless, flatter *
VNEN bợ đỡ * to help, aide, assist; to flatter *
VNEN bợ đỡ người nào * to flatter someone *
VNEN bụng ọc ạch * to feel flatulence in one's stomache *
VNEN chối bay * to deny flatly or point-blank *
VNEN căn * (1) apartment, flat
(2) [CL for houses, apartments, rooms]
(3) cause, origin, root
VNEN căn hộ * flat, apartment *
VNEN cười nịnh * laugh flatteringly *
VNEN cạn túi * penniless, flat broke *
VNEN dua nịnh * to flatter, adulate *
VNEN dấu giáng * flat *
VNEN dẹp lép * flat *
VNEN dẹt * flat *
VNEN ghìm cương lạm phát * to hold back inflation, keep inflation down *
VNEN giày mũi bẹt * shoes with a flat toecap *
VNEN giá cố định * flat rate, fixed price *
VNEN giải lạm phát * deflation *
VNEN giảm phát * deflation *
VNEN giẹp * flat, fattened; to flatten *
VNEN gác sân * flat roof (used for airing, drying on) *
VNEN hót như khướu * to be a shameless flatterer, to be a toady *
VNEN lép kẹp * deflated, hollow, empty *
VNEN lăn chiên * to fall flat *
VNEN lạm phát * inflation, price increase; to inflate *
VNEN lạm phát thấp * low inflation *
VNEN lạt * (1) water, insipid, flat, dull, faded
(2) bamboo string, rattan string
VNEN miền xuôi * flat country, lowland, plain *
VNEN mái bằng * flat roof *
VNEN móp * flattened, hollow, sunken *
VNEN mũi tẹt * flat nose, pug nose, broad-nosed *
VNEN mẹp * lie flat on one’s face *
VNEN mẹt * flat winnowing basket *
VNEN mị * flatter, coax, cajole *
VNEN mức lạm phát * level of inflation *
VNEN ngã sấp * fall flat on one’s face *
VNEN ngói chiếu * flat-tile *
VNEN ngồi bệt * sit flat on the ground *
VNEN nia * large and flat basket *
VNEN nong * broad flat drying basket *
VNEN nón quai thao * flat palm hat with fringes *
VNEN nằm ngửa * to lie supine, lie on one’s back, lie face up, be flat on one’s back *
VNEN nằm sấp * to lie on one’s front, lie on one’s stomach, lie prone, lie prostrate, lie face down (wards), be flat on one’s face *
VNEN nịnh * flatter, fawn on, fawn upon *
VNEN nịnh hót * to flatter, adulate *
VNEN nịnh mặt * flatterer (of a looking glass) *
VNEN nịnh thần * traitor, flatterer *
VNEN nống * broad flat drying basket; prop up; endeavor, push up *
VNEN nừng * broad flat drying basket *
VNEN o bế * to flatter, pamper *
VNEN phèn phẹt * ungracefully broad and flat *
VNEN phẳng * even, smooth, flat, level *
VNEN phỉnh mũi * feel flattered *
VNEN rạp * tent, booth flat on the ground, theater *
VNEN san bằng * to destroy, flatten *
VNEN sân gác * flat roof, sun roof *
VNEN sóng soài * flat *
VNEN sấp * to lie down flat (on one’s face) *
VNEN sịa * flat wide-meshed basket *
VNEN ten hen * lie stretching one’s arms and legs, flat out *
VNEN thuyền đinh * flat boat (used particularly in north Vietnam) *
VNEN ton hót * to denounce, inform (on, against); to flatter, win over, coax, wheedle, cajole *
VNEN trẹt lét * not deep, flat *
VNEN tán * (1) to flatter, court, flirt
(2) to help, aid, assist
(3) to crush, grind, pulverize
(4) loose, scattered
(5) parasol, umbrella, shade
VNEN tôi bị bẹp lốp * I had a flat tire *
VNEN tẹt * flat *
VNEN tỷ lệ lạm phát * inflation rate *
VNEN ve vuốt * caress, fondle, stroke, make much of, flatter, pat *
VNEN vều * swollen, inflated, puffed up *
VNEN xiểm nịnh * flatter servilely, toady *
VNEN xu mị * flatter servilely, toady *
VNEN xu nịnh * flatter *
VNEN xu phụ * flatter *
VNEN xum xoe * flattering, smarmy *
VNEN xun xoe * flattering, smarmy *
VNEN xép xẹp * very flat, very empty *
VNEN xì hơi * to go down, go flat, deflate *
VNEN xìu * fall, be flat *
VNEN xẹp * flat, flattened, deflated *
VNEN xẹp lép * completely flat, deflated, very flat, empty *
VNEN xẹp vỏ * flat tire *
VNEN xẹt * (1) to become flat, be flattened
(2) to whiz past
VNEN đạp bằng * level flat (all obstacles) *
VNEN đập bẹt ra * to flatten *
VNEN đổ gục * fall flat, collapse, break down *
VNEN ẩm chồi * flat (about the market) *
VNEN ẹp * to crush, flatten, deflate *
VNEN ọc ạch * flatulent *
VNEN ỏn thót * tell tales, flatter (with soft words) *