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OXF3000: hoàn thành finish

BNC6000 : finish [ Rank: 3580 ] n 👪
BNC6000 : finish [ Rank: 852 ] v 👪

OPD : Finish all medications. A Pharmacy
OPD : finish Sport Verbs

FN: finish v Activity_finish

VSLW123 xong finish vsl1
VSLW123 hết to finish, to end vsl2
VSLW123 xong to finish, to be complete vsl2
VSLW123 xong to finish, to be complete vsl3
VSLW123 kết thúc to end, to finish, to conclude vsl3
VSLW123 kết thúc to end, to finish, to conclude vsl3
VSLW 45 học xong to finish studying [ Intro to Reading ]
VSLW 45 kết thúc to finish [ Topic Reading ]

DUOS Việc học của tôi đang dang dở, tôi không thể đi bơi. My studying is unfinished, I cannot go swimming. Reduplicative Words
DUOS dang dở unfinished Reduplicative Words

50L Bạn đã xong chưa? * Are you finished? 067
50L Nhưng mà tôi sắp xong rồi. * But I’ll be finished soon. 067
50L Bạn đã dừng khi nào? * When did you finish? 088
50L Chờ đến khi tôi xong. * Wait until I’m finished. 096
50L Bạn càng làm việc nhanh, bạn càng xong sớm. * The faster you work, the earlier you will be finished. 100

like: finish
VNEN bán thành phẩm * semi-finished product *
VNEN bất thành * failure; unsuccessful, incomplete, unfinished *
VNEN bị dở dang * to be left unfinished *
VNEN bỏ bê * to abandon, let go, leave unfinished *
VNEN bỏ dở * to leave something unfinished *
VNEN bỏ mứa * to leave (food) unfinished *
VNEN chưa chấm đứt * not over yet, not yet over, unfinished *
VNEN chương trình bị dở dang * the plan, project was left unfinished *
VNEN chấm dứt * to conclude, end, finish, be over, break off *
VNEN chấm dứt câu chuyện * to finish (telling) a story *
VNEN chế liệu * material, stuff, raw material, semi finished product *
VNEN chế phẩm * finished product *
VNEN có đầu có đuôi * being able to finish what one has started *
VNEN dang dở * unfinished, uncompleted, incomplete *
VNEN dỏ dang * unfinished, incomplete *
VNEN dở dang * unfinished uncompleted, half-done, inconclusive *
VNEN dứt * to finish, (come to a) stop, terminate, end, cease *
VNEN dứt lời * to finish talking, conclude a speech *
VNEN dứt điểm * score (a goal); finish at a given moment, finalize *
VNEN giã đám * end, finish, come to an end, terminate *
VNEN hoàn công * finished work, completed work *
VNEN hoàn thành * to accomplish, carry out, complete, finish, end *
VNEN hoàn tất * to finish, complete, be completed; finished, complete *
VNEN hùan tất * to finish, complete *
VNEN hết * finished, exhausted, finish, exhaust; completely, totally, all, of all, everything *
VNEN hết rồi * it’s over, it’s done, it’s finished, there is no more *
VNEN kết thúc * to conclude, end, finish *
VNEN kỳ cùng * to the end, the finish, the last *
VNEN làm hai thì * to do something twice (because it wasn’t finished the first time) *
VNEN làm hết * to finish *
VNEN làm nốt đi * finish it! *
VNEN làm nửa chừng bỏ dở * to leave a job unfinished *
VNEN làm việc xong * to finish work *
VNEN làm xong * to finish, come to an end *
VNEN mãn * to complete, finish, run out, come to an end; to satisfy, satisfied *
VNEN mãn nhiệm kỳ * to finish one’s term, fulfil one’s obligation *
VNEN nghe xong * to finish listening *
VNEN nghỉ làm * to finish work, be off from work *
VNEN ngừng bút * finish writing (a letter) *
VNEN nhiệm kỳ mãn * to complete, finish a term of office *
VNEN nói hết * to say everything, finish speaking *
VNEN nói xong * to finish speaking *
VNEN nốt * (1) grade, mark, spot
(2) too, also
(3) to finish
VNEN nửa chừng * unfinished, incomplete *
VNEN rời ghế nhà trường * to leave school, finish with school *
VNEN rời miệng * to have just finished speaking *
VNEN sạch trụi * clean finished *
VNEN số tôi tận rồi * my number is up, I’m done, I’m finished *
VNEN sống mái * male bird and female bird, cock and hen-to a finish *
VNEN tan học * after school; to finish studying *
VNEN thành phẩm * finished product, processed product *
VNEN tom ngỏm * to finish *
VNEN trận ác chiến * a violent fight, a fight to the finish *
VNEN trụi lũi * finished, all gone *
VNEN tàn đời * to finish one’s life, live out one’s (last) days *
VNEN tận * all the way; ending, finished; as far as, to *
VNEN tử chiến * fight to the death or finish, life-and-death struggle, duel *
VNEN viên mãn * perfect, faultless, finished, complete, full *
VNEN vãn * over, finished, dispersed *
VNEN vẫn chưa hết * to have not yet completely finished *
VNEN vẹn tròn * perfect, faultless finished, complete, full *
VNEN xong * to finish, end, be complete; then, after ~ ing *
VNEN xong rồi * afterwards, then; over, finished *
VNEN xong xuôi * finished, over, completed *
VNEN xong đời * it’s the end of, that’s the finish of *
VNEN đoạn tình * to part company with somebody, finish with somebody *
VNEN đánh trống bỏ dùi * to leave a work unfinished *
VNEN đã hết * to be gone, be past, be over, finish doing (sth) *