Beginner Level Intermediate Level Advanced Level

Specific Notions

SNOT: to fill Health and body care • medical services

OXF3000: lấp đầy fill

BNC6000 : fill [ Rank: 910 ] v 👪

OPD : Fill in the blank. Studying
OPD : filling Dental Care
OPD : fill a cavity Dental Care
OPD : Fill the tank with gas. Buying and Maintaining a Car
OPD : Fill the tires with air. Buying and Maintaining a Car
OPD : fill out an application Job Search

FN: fill v Distributed_position
FN: fill v Filling

VSLW123 điền to fill in vsl3
VSLW123 điền to fill in vsl3
VSLW 67 làm tròn trách nhiệm to fulfill their duties [ Advanced Reading ]
VSLW 67 trám to fill the gap [ Advanced Reading ]

like: fill
VNEN bánh xèo * rice pancake folded in half (and filled) *
VNEN bãi thải * dump, landfill *
VNEN bít * to close up, fill up, block *
VNEN bắc cầu * to bridge, fill the gap *
VNEN bắt gió * to fill out, swell out, cure a headache *
VNEN bốc thuốc * to fill a prescription *
VNEN bổ khuyết * to supplement, fill *
VNEN bổ xung * supplement, fill, complete, perfect; replacement *
VNEN bứ * filling *
VNEN chu toàn * to meet, fulfill; whole, fully discharged *
VNEN chét * flea, aphis; to fill a crack, hole *
VNEN cung ứng * to answer, fill a need, supply, furnish, provide *
VNEN cây xăng * filling station, petrol station *
VNEN cảm mến * admire and esteem, be filled with admiration and esteem for *
VNEN cầu đảo * to make offerings (to deity) for one’s wishes to be fulfilled *
VNEN giải quyết nhu cầu * to meet a need, fulfill a requirement *
VNEN hàn * (1) filling (tooth)
(2) to weld
VNEN kê đơn * to write out a prescription, fill a prescription *
VNEN lo bổn phận * to do one’s part, fulfill one’s responsibilities *
VNEN làm giấy tờ * to fill out forms, documents *
VNEN làm tròn bổn phận * to fulfill a duty, obligation *
VNEN làn tròn * to fulfill a duty, obligation *
VNEN lĩnh ý * fulfill an order, obey somebody’s wish *
VNEN lưỡng toàn * both fulfilled, both perfect *
VNEN lấp * to fill, cover *
VNEN lấp sông * to fill in a river *
VNEN lửng dạ * to not to eat one’s fill *
VNEN mãn nhiệm * to fulfill one’s mandate *
VNEN nhồi nhét * cram, fill (one’s stomach) *
VNEN phi lê * fillet *
VNEN pháo dây * powder-filled paper string *
VNEN phỉ nguyền * to fulfill one’s wishes, realize one’s aspirations *
VNEN thảo mãn nhu cầu * to satisfy a requirement, fill a need *
VNEN thịt thăn * fillet, tenderloin *
VNEN thỏa mãn * to content, satisfy, fulfill, meet, answer *
VNEN thồn * to fill, squeeze *
VNEN thực hiện * to achieve, accomplish, fulfill, realize, provide, create, carry out, implement *
VNEN thực hiện lời hứa * to fulfill a promise *
VNEN trám * to caulk, stop, close, fill (tooth); filling (tooth) *
VNEN trám răng * to fill a (cavity in a) tooth *
VNEN trúng cách * fulfill the requirements *
VNEN ăn no * to eat one’s fill *
VNEN điền khuyết * to fill a vacancy, blank or empty space *
VNEN điền vào * to fill in *
VNEN đáp ứng * to answer, respond, satisfy, fill a need, meet, comply with *
VNEN đáp ứng nhu cầu * to fill a need, requirement *
VNEN đáp ứng đòi hỏi * to fill, fulfill a demand, need *
VNEN đóng bít * to close up, fill a gap *
VNEN đầu óc ông ấy lúc nào cũng đầy mộng tưởng * his head was always filled with dreams *
VNEN đầy * full, filled; fully *
VNEN đầy ứ * to fill or block with; to overflow *
VNEN đắc hiếu * fulfill one’s duty toward one’s parents *
VNEN đắc trung * fulfill one’s duty toward the king *
VNEN đắc ý * have one’s wish fulfilled, be fully satisfied *
VNEN đắp * to pile up, pack (earth, stone), construct, fill up *
VNEN định tỉnh * fulfill one’s filial duties, look after one’s parent *
VNEN đổ xăng * to fill up with gas *
VNEN độn * to pad, fill, stuff *
VNEN đủ diều kiện * to meet, fulfill a requirement *