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BNC6000 : dock [ Rank: 4212 ] n 👪

OPD : dockworker Jobs and Occupations C-H
OPD : loading dock A Factory
OPD : dock Electronics and Photography

VSLW 45 bến tàu ngầm dock, hydrofoil station [ Topic Reading ]

like: dock
VNEN bấn tàu nổi * floating dock *
VNEN bến * dock, wharf, pier, landing place, station, terminal *
VNEN bến tàu * dock, quay, port, railway station, pier, wharf *
VNEN bến xà lan * floating dock *
VNEN bờ bến * shore and dock (or port), limit, border, coast *
VNEN cập bến * to dock *
VNEN cửu vạn * porter, docker, longshoreman *
VNEN đưa tầu chiến vào đậu * to dock, berth a ship *
VNEN ụ tàu * dry dock *