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BNC6000 : deed [ Rank: 4743 ] n 👪

OPD : deed Life Events and Documents

FN: deed n Documents
FN: deed n Intentionally_act

VSLW123 thành tích achievement, deeds vsl3
VSLW123 thành tích achievement, deeds vsl3
VSLW 45 giấy chủ quyền title-deed [ Basic Reading ]
VSLW 67 chứng thư certificate / deed [ Advanced Reading ]

like: deed
VNEN báo ứng * to get retribution for one’s deed *
VNEN bằng khoán * deed, title *
VNEN chương dương * publicize a good deed *
VNEN có chứ * sure, of course, certainly, indeed *
VNEN công chứng thư * notarized deed *
VNEN hành vi * act, action, deed, behavior, gesture; to behave, act *
VNEN hành động * act, deed, action, activity; to act *
VNEN hành động anh dũnh * valiant deed, heroic act *
VNEN hành động anh hùng * heroic deed *
VNEN hành động đã man * savage, barbaric deed, act *
VNEN không làm điều gì ám muội * to abstain from any shady deed *
VNEN ngôn hành * wards and actions, talk and deeds *
VNEN quả thật * truly, really, indeed *
VNEN sự * deed, act, action event, occurrence, (classifier for actions, states) *
VNEN thực sự * real, indeed, actual; truth, reality *
VNEN trạng * expert, master; state, condition, act, deed *
VNEN việc làm * deed, action, job, work *
VNEN ân * good deed, kind act, kindness *
VNEN đê nhục * ignominious deed *
VNEN địa khoán * title-deed, title of property *