Beginner Level Intermediate Level Advanced Level

Specific Notions

OXF3000: phân rã decay

BNC6000 : decay [ Rank: 6232 ] n 👪

OPD : cavity / decay Dental Care

FN: decay n Rotting
FN: decay n Nuclear_process
FN: decay v Rotting
FN: decay v Nuclear_process

like: decay
VNEN chu kỳ hủy biến * decay period *
VNEN mùn thớt * decayed particles; filth, dirt on a chopping board *
VNEN mục nát * rotten, decayed, corrupt *
VNEN mủn * decayed *
VNEN suy tàn * decay; to decline *
VNEN sún * (tooth) decayed *
VNEN tàn * ashes, remains; to decline, decrease, fade, draw to an end, decay, crumble *
VNEN điêu linh * falling into decay, going to rack and ruin *