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OXF3000: tranh luận debate

BNC6000 : debate [ Rank: 1299 ] n 👪
BNC6000 : debate [ Rank: 3585 ] v 👪

OPD : debate Government and Military Service

FN: debate n Discussion
FN: debate v Discussion

VSLW 45 tranh cãi/gây tranh cãi to debate/controversial [ Basic Reading ]
VSLW 45 tranh luận to debate [ Basic Reading ]

like: debate
VNEN biện * (1) to offer (ritual food)
(2) to argue, debate, discuss
VNEN biện bác * to argue, debate, discuss *
VNEN bàn * (1) to discuss, debate, deliberate, talk over
(2) table
(3) [CL for games]
VNEN bàn bạc * to debate, discuss, deliberate, talk over, exchange views on *
VNEN bàn cãi * to discuss, debate *
VNEN bàn cãi sôi nổi * to hotly debate *
VNEN bình nghị * to discuss, debate *
VNEN cuộc thảo luận * discussion, debate *
VNEN cuộc tranh luận * a debate *
VNEN cuộc tranh luận sôi nổi * a lively debate *
VNEN cân nhắc * to consider, deliberate, debate, weigh (pros and cons) *
VNEN cãi vã * to argue, debate *
VNEN gây nhiều tranh cãi * to generate much discussion, debate *
VNEN nghị luận * to deliberate, debate *
VNEN thiệt chiến * argument, debate *
VNEN thảo luận * to discuss, debate, talk; discussion, debate *
VNEN thảo luận về nhân quyền * to debate human rights; the human rights debate *
VNEN tranh biện * to discuss, debate, argue *
VNEN tranh cãi * to argue, discuss, debate, dispute; discussion, debate *
VNEN tranh cãi gay gắt * heated debate *
VNEN tranh luận * to debate, discuss *
VNEN việc thảo luận * discussion, debate *
VNEN đàm luận * to talk, discuss, converse, negotiate, debate *