Beginner Level Intermediate Level Advanced Level

Specific Notions

SNOT: to cut Health and body care • hygiene
SNOT: to cut Health and body care • ailments– accidents

OXF3000: cắt cut
668 I cut my hand this morning. — How did you do that? Tôi bị đứt tay sáng nay. - Sao cậu bị thế?
1077 The grass is being cut. > The grass is getting cut. Cỏ đang được cắt.
1084 The trees have becut down. > The trees got cut down. Cây đã bị chặt.
1883 I think you should get your hair cut really short. Tôi nghĩ cậu nên để tóc thật ngắn vào.
1949 You notice your friend's hair is much shorter than last time. You say, "You had your hair cut, didn't you?" Bạn để ý thấy tóc của bạn của bạn ngắn hơn lần gặp trước. Bạn nói: "Cậu cắt tóc có đúng không?"
2204 Did you cut yourself shaving? Cậu có tự mình cạo không?

BNC6000 : cut [ Rank: 1696 ] n 👪
BNC6000 : cut [ Rank: 563 ] v 👪

OPD : cute Describing People
OPD : cut hair Describing Hair
OPD : cutting board A Kitchen
OPD : veal cutlets Meat
OPD : Cut the chicken. Food Preparation and Safety
OPD : low-cut socks Underwear and Sleepwear
OPD : cut ... Nails Personal Hygiene
OPD : cut Symptoms and Injuries
OPD : Executive Government and Military Service
OPD : prosecuting attorney The Legal System
OPD : executive An Office
OPD : paper cutter An Office
OPD : head chef / executive chef A Hotel
OPD : acute angle Mathematics
OPD : rotary cutter Hobies and Games

FN: cut a Hair_configuration
FN: cut n Hair_configuration
FN: cut n Cause_change_of_position_on_a_scale
FN: cut v Cause_harm
FN: cut v Experience_bodily_harm
FN: cut v Cause_change_of_position_on_a_scale
FN: cut v Cutting
FN: cut v Intentional_traversing
FN: cut v Change_direction
FN: cut v Change_operational_state
FN: cut v Removing

VSLW123 dễ thương lovely, cute vsl2
VSLW123 cắt to cut (with scissor) vsl3
VSLW123 cúp to be cut off, turn off vsl3
VSLW 45 thường trực executive, standing [ Topic Reading ]
VSLW 45 thi hành to execute [ Topic Reading ]
VSLW 45 truy tố to prosecute [ Basic Reading ]
VSLW 45 hành pháp executive [ Basic Reading ]
VSLW 67 trồng trọt to plant, to cutivate [ Intermediate Reading ]
VSLW 67 khởi tố, truy tố to prosecute [ Intermediate Reading ]
VSLW 67 cứa to cut [ Advanced Reading ]
VSLW 67 khởi tố to prosecute [ Advanced Reading ]
VSLW 67 sắc sảo sharp, acute (like in "sharp / acute remark") [ Advanced Reading ]
VSLW 67 Cơ quan thi hành án Agency of judgment execution [ Advanced Reading ]
VSLW 67 công tố viên prosecutor [ Advanced Reading ]

DUOS Những con chuột này thật dễ thương. These mice are really cute. Adjectives 3
DUOS dễ thương cute Adjectives 3
DUOS chặt chém slash cut Informal Expressions

50L Có cần tôi thái hành tây không? * Shall I cut the onions? 021
50L Thìa dĩa ở đâu? * Where is the cutlery / silverware (am.)? 021
50L Bạn cắt tóc cho tôi được không? * Can you cut my hair? 076

like: cut
VNEN ban chấp hành * executive board, executive committee *
VNEN beng * to cut (off) *
VNEN beng cổ * to cut the neck of *
VNEN beng mất đầu * to have one’s head cut off *
VNEN biện lý * attorney, prosecutor *
VNEN biện lý cuộc * prosecutor’s office *
VNEN biện l‎ý cuộc * prosecutor’s office *
VNEN buốt * feeling a sharp pain, feeling a biting cold; sharp, biting, cutting *
VNEN bàn ren * screw-cutter *
VNEN bá đạo * authoritarian, dictatorial, potent; short-cut *
VNEN bán cấp * subacute *
VNEN bêu đầu * to display the head of an executed criminal *
VNEN bạo đồ * thug, cutthroat, bandit, brigand *
VNEN bị cúp * to be cut off, be disconnected *
VNEN bị cắt * to be cut *
VNEN bị cắt đứt * to be cut, slashed *
VNEN bị hành hạ * to be persecuted *
VNEN bị hành quyết * to be executed *
VNEN bị truy tố * to be prosecuted *
VNEN bỏ bớt * to cut down, cut back, reduce *
VNEN chen * to make one’s way through a crowd, cut in (speech) *
VNEN chi ủy * party cell executive, cell committee *
VNEN chi ủy viên * member of a party cell executive, member of *
VNEN chành chạnh * clear, clear-cut *
VNEN chân bì * cutis, skincutis, skin *
VNEN chém * to cut, chop *
VNEN chính chủ tịch * chief executive officer *
VNEN chũm * top cut off an areca-nut *
VNEN chưởng lý * attorney-general, public prosecutor *
VNEN chạm nọc * to touch (someone) to the raw, cut (someone) to the quick *
VNEN chạy lon ton * scuttle along *
VNEN chấp * (1) to reproach, bear a grudge
(2) to give (an advantage)
(3) to hold, approve, manage, execute
(4) juice
VNEN chấp hành * execute, carry out *
VNEN chấp pháp * executive *
VNEN chặn hậu * to cut off the enemy’s retreat *
VNEN chặt * (1) fast, close, tight; solid
(2) to cut, chop down
VNEN chặt cây * to cut down a tree *
VNEN chặt cụt * shorten, chop off, cut off *
VNEN chặt ngọn * to cut the top off (a tree), (fig) beat to the punch *
VNEN chặt ngọn một cây * to top, cut the top off, a tree *
VNEN cuộng * cutting, graft, stem, stalk *
VNEN cành giâm * cutting *
VNEN cách bức * distant, indirect; to cut off, separate, isolate *
VNEN công tố * to prosecute (on behalf of the state) *
VNEN công tố viên * public prosecutor *
VNEN công tố viên đặc nhiệm * special prosecutor *
VNEN cúp * to cut, disconnect, cut in (traffic) *
VNEN cơ quan hành pháp * executive branch (of government) *
VNEN cơ xảo * skilful, cute, clever *
VNEN cạo đầu * to get a haircut, give a haircut, shave somebody’s head *
VNEN cấp tính * pernicious, acute *
VNEN cắt * to cut, reduce, chop *
VNEN cắt băng * cut the inauguration band *
VNEN cắt bằng phẳng * to cut smoothly *
VNEN cắt bỏ * to cut out *
VNEN cắt dán * cut-paste *
VNEN cắt giảm * to cut back on, cut down, reduce *
VNEN cắt khúc * cut into pieces *
VNEN cắt ngắn * cut short, shorten, cut down *
VNEN cắt quần áo * cut out a garment *
VNEN cắt rau * to cut up vegetables *
VNEN cắt tóc * to cut hair, give a haircut *
VNEN cắt tóc ngắn * to cut one’s hair short *
VNEN cắt xén * to clip, cut, shorten, edit, truncate *
VNEN cắt đứt * to cut (off), sever, break off *
VNEN cắt đứt liên hệ * to sever, cut off a relationship, relations *
VNEN cắt đứt lời * to cut someone off (while speaking) *
VNEN cổ họng bị rách đôi * to have one’s throat cut *
VNEN cụt * cut off, blind, lame, crippled *
VNEN cứa * to cut with a blunt knife *
VNEN diễn tấu * perform, execute (a musical work) *
VNEN dấu sắc * acute accent, high tone *
VNEN dứt khoát * to settle out of hand; unambiguous, definitive, clear-cut *
VNEN giám đốc điều hành * chief executive officer *
VNEN giảm * to decrease, cut down, reduce, lessen, drop, fall *
VNEN giảm chi phí * to reduce, cut costs *
VNEN giảm giá * to reduce or lower or cut the prices, discount *
VNEN giảm nhẹ * to cut down, lighten *
VNEN giảm thuế * to lower, reduce, cut taxes *
VNEN giảm trừ * to decrease, cut down *
VNEN giảm xuống * to decrease, go down, fall, reduce, cut down *
VNEN góc nhọn * acute angle *
VNEN hiển minh * clear-cut, unequivocal, unmistakable *
VNEN hành * (1) scallion, spring onion
(2) to act, execute, carry out
(3) stem
(4) to go, travel (on foot)
(5) one of the five elements
VNEN hành hình * to execute, put (a prisoner) to death *
VNEN hành hạ * to mistreat, treat badly persecute *
VNEN hành pháp * executive (branch of government) *
VNEN hành quyết * execution; to execute (a person) *
VNEN hóm hỉnh * cute *
VNEN hạ bì * hypodermis, subcutaneous *
VNEN hở hang * low-cut *
VNEN hở ngực * decolleté, low-cut, low-necked (of dress) *
VNEN hở vai * decolleté, low-cut (of dress) *
VNEN im mồm * shut your mouth! cut your cackle! shut up! *
VNEN khô mực * dried cuttlefish *
VNEN khấu đuôi * pork cut at joint of tail-crupper *
VNEN khứa * to cut little by little *
VNEN kiểu tóc * hairstyle, haircut *
VNEN làm cỏ * to cut or mow grass, cut or mow the lawn *
VNEN lóc * to dissect, cut up *
VNEN lăng trì * death of a thousand cuts *
VNEN lạng * to cut into thin slices *
VNEN lẻo * to cut neatly *
VNEN lối tắt * shortcut (computer) *
VNEN miếng thịt bèo nhèo * a flabby cut of meat *
VNEN máy cắt * breaker, cutter *
VNEN * (1) to cut off, prune
(2) edge, border, space, area, side
VNEN mổ * to operate, cut up, perform surgery, dissect *
VNEN mộc bản tranh dân gian * the wood-blocks of folk woodcuts *
VNEN mực * cuttle-fish; ink *
VNEN người tiều phu * woodcutter *
VNEN người tử tội * person condemned to death, person awaiting execution *
VNEN ngược đãi * to persecute, mistreat, maltreat, abuse; mistreatment, maltreatment *
VNEN ngược đãi tôn giáo * religious persecution *
VNEN ngắt lời * to interpose, interrupt, slap somebody down, butt in on somebody, cut somebody short *
VNEN ngộ nghĩnh * queer, quaint, odd, funny, cute, pretty, sweet *
VNEN nha biện lý * public prosecutor *
VNEN nhuệ độ * acuteness *
VNEN nhát * (1) short time
(2) to cut, stab, slash
(3) cowardly, shy, timid
VNEN nhạc công * professional executant *
VNEN nhận thức * to carry out, realize, execute; to know, recognize, conceive *
VNEN nhọn * sharp, pointed, acute *
VNEN nói leo * cut into the grow-ups’ conversation, interrupt adults or superiors *
VNEN nữ cán bộ * woman executive *
VNEN pháp trường * execution ground *
VNEN phó ngữ * adverbial locution *
VNEN quán ngữ * locution *
VNEN rách đối * to cut or tear in two *
VNEN rạch * (1) canal, stream
(2) to cut, rip, divide
VNEN rọc * to cut open *
VNEN rọc giấy * paper-knife, paper-cutting machine *
VNEN siết * to cut off, slash off; to squeeze, wring, fasten, tighten *
VNEN sắc cạnh * sharp, acute *
VNEN sự nhát * a stab, slash, cut *
VNEN teo da * atrophia cutis *
VNEN thi công * to execute *
VNEN thi hành * to carry out (order, mission), execute; execution, carrying out *
VNEN thi hành luật * to execute, carry out the law *
VNEN thi hành mệnh lệnh * to carry out, execute an order, command *
VNEN thiến dái * to cut off sb’s genitals *
VNEN thêm bớt * adjust to add or cut details *
VNEN thằng đao phủ thủ * executioner *
VNEN thẻo * piece, bit, slice; to cut *
VNEN thế phát * have one’s hair cut *
VNEN thịt vai * shoulder cut *
VNEN thừa hành * to carry out, execute *
VNEN tiến hành * to advance, move forward, continue, carry out, execute, operate *
VNEN tiều phu * hewer, woodcutter, woodsman, lumberjack *
VNEN truy tố * to prosecute, sue *
VNEN tuân hành * to carry out, execute, perform *
VNEN tách bạch * clear cut *
VNEN tét * to split, cut *
VNEN tần số cắt * cutoff frequency *
VNEN tỏi gà * chicken’s leg (already cut out) *
VNEN vạc * (1) range, boiler, urn, cauldron
(2) bittern
(3) to whittle, cut
VNEN vằm * to mince, cut into small pieces *
VNEN vỏ quít dày có móng tay nhọn * diamond cuts diamond *
VNEN vụ hành quyết * execution (of a person) *
VNEN xinh xắn * lovely, cute *
VNEN xoẹt * (of knife, clap of thunder) cut fast, fast *
VNEN xà xẻo * worm out, extract (money), rake off, cheat cut, squeeze *
VNEN xén * to cut, trim *
VNEN xắt * to cut, slice *
VNEN xẻ * to saw, split (up), cut *
VNEN xẻo * to cut off, cut up, cut out *
VNEN xớn * wandering, loitering, cut *
VNEN xởn * to clip, prune, lop, cut short *
VNEN xử bắn * to execute by firing squad *
VNEN xử tử * to sentence to death, execute, put to death *
VNEN áp chế * to oppress, tyrannize, persecute *
VNEN ô tặc cốt * cuttle bone *
VNEN đao phủ * executioner, headsman, hangman *
VNEN đau buốt * acute pain *
VNEN đi tắt * to take a short-cut *
VNEN đoản đao * cutlass *
VNEN đĩnh ngộ * cute, handsome *
VNEN đường tắt * short cut *
VNEN đẵn * to cut down, chop down *
VNEN đẵn củi * to cut firewood *
VNEN đẵn gỗ * to cut down wood, trees *
VNEN đẽo * to cut, squeeze (money) *
VNEN đốn * to cut down, chop down *
VNEN đốn cây * to cut down a tree *
VNEN đứt * to break, cut, collapse, give way *
VNEN đứt khúc * cut *
VNEN ải sát * to execute by hanging, strangle to death *