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BNC6000 : cultivate [ Rank: 6192 ] v 👪

FN: cultivate v Agriculture

VSLW 45 cây trồng cultivated plant [ Basic Reading ]
VSLW 45 canh tác to cultivate [ Basic Reading ]

like: cultivate
VNEN bỏ hoang * untilled, uncultivated (land) *
VNEN canh chủng * to cultivate, farm, plant *
VNEN canh tác * to cultivate; cultivation *
VNEN canh điền * tenant farmer, till, cultivate *
VNEN cây trồng * crop plants, cultivated crops *
VNEN có học * educated, cultivated *
VNEN cầy cấy * to farm, cultivate *
VNEN dinh điền * to cultivate new lands *
VNEN gieo cấy * to cultivate *
VNEN giồng * to plant, cultivate, grow *
VNEN hoang * abandoned, uncultivated, uninhabited, virgin *
VNEN hoang hóa * uncultivated, fallow *
VNEN hoang điền * uncultivated field *
VNEN khai phá * change waste land into cultivated areas *
VNEN ruộng đất * (cultivated) land, (rice) field *
VNEN trau giồi * to improve, cultivate *
VNEN trồng * to cultivate, grow, plant *
VNEN trồng lúa * to grow, cultivate rice *
VNEN trồng trọt * to cultivate, grow, till, farm *
VNEN trồng tỉa * to plant, cultivate, grow *
VNEN tu dưỡng * to mature, cultivate *
VNEN tài bồi * cultivate, improve (the mind) *
VNEN vun quén * to cultivate sb’s acquaintance *
VNEN vun trồng * to cultivate *