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Specific Notions

OXF3000: cuộc thi contest

BNC6000 : contest [ Rank: 3904 ] n 👪
BNC6000 : contest [ Rank: 6223 ] v 👪

VSLW 45 cuộc thi contest [ Topic Reading ]
VSLW 67 cử rồi mới thi appointed before contest [ Advanced Reading ]

like: contest
VNEN chế khoa * examination, contest *
VNEN cuộc thi * examination, contest, competition *
VNEN danh thủ * famous or outstanding contestant *
VNEN thi * to take an examination or a test, take part in contest or race, compete *
VNEN thi võ * martial arts tournament, military contest *
VNEN trống quân * folk song contest in the countryside (between group *
VNEN á hậu * runner up, second-best (in a beauty contest) *
VNEN á khôi * second place (examination, contest) *
VNEN ăn thua * to quarrel, contest; to be successful *