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BNC6000 : contend [ Rank: 5878 ] v 👪

FN: contend v Statement

like: contend
VNEN chủ trương * ☊ to advocate, assert, maintain, allege, claim, contend; claim, contention * ☊
VNEN cạnh tranh * ☊ to contend, compete; competition * ☊
VNEN sự an cư cho dân chúng * ☊ a contended life for the people * ☊
VNEN tranh * ☊ (1) picture, painting
(2) to compete, contend, dispute
* ☊
VNEN tranh công * ☊ to contend with somebody for merits * ☊
VNEN tranh giành * ☊ to dispute, contend, fight over, struggle for * ☊
VNEN đôi co * ☊ to spat, contend * ☊
VNEN đấu thủ * ☊ contender, player (in a competition) * ☊