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OXF3000: xây dựng construct

BNC6000 : construct [ Rank: 2225 ] v 👪

OPD : Construction Worker Workplace Clothing
OPD : construction site City Streets
OPD : construction worker Construction
OPD : construction paper Hobies and Games

FN: construct v Building

VSLW123 xây dựng to build, to construct vsl2
VSLW123 xây dựng to build, to construct vsl3
VSLW123 xây dựng to build, to construct vsl3
VSLW 45 xây dựng construction [ Intro to Reading ]

VSLS Anh vẫn còn làm ở Công ty Xây dựng chứ? You (to a male) still work at the Construction Company, right? vsl2

like: construct
VNEN biền ngẫu * couplet, parallel sentences, parallel constructions *
VNEN biền thể * parallel constructions *
VNEN công nhân xây cất * construction worker *
VNEN cải tạo * to reconstruct, reorganize, reeducate; reeducation *
VNEN cải tạo xã hội * to reconstruct, reorganize society *
VNEN cải tổ * to reorganize, restructure; reconstruction, Perestroika *
VNEN cất * (1) to hide, store, put away
(2) to lift, elevate, pick up, erect, build, construct
(3) to distill
VNEN cấu * (1) to build, construct
(2) to pinch
VNEN cấu tạo * to build, create, compose, construct, design, engender; structure, makeup, composition *
VNEN kiến thiết * to build, construct *
VNEN kiến thiết cơ bản * basic construction *
VNEN kiến tạo * to build, erect, construct *
VNEN nhà xây dựng * construction worker *
VNEN phục hưng * to restore, rehabilitate, reconstruct; revival, renaissance *
VNEN trùng tu * to reconstruct, rebuild, renovate, restore *
VNEN tái thiết * to rebuild, reconstruct *
VNEN tái thiết kinh tế * to reconstruct the economy *
VNEN tân trang * to remodel, renovate, reform, reconstruct, renew; renovation *
VNEN văn lý * grammar, literary construction *
VNEN xây * to build, construct *
VNEN xây cất * to build, construct *
VNEN xây dựng * to build (up), construct; constructive *
VNEN xây dựng cơ bản * capital construction *
VNEN xây dựng đặt * to build, construct *
VNEN đắp * to pile up, pack (earth, stone), construct, fill up *
VNEN đặt câu * to construct, build a sentence *