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BNC6000 : complement [ Rank: 6018 ] v 👪

FN: complement n Rest
FN: complement v Rest

like: complement
VNEN bù trừ * ☊ to balance, complement, compensate, make up for * ☊
VNEN bất cộng đái thiên * ☊ deadly or mortal enemies; complementary distribution * ☊
VNEN bổ * ☊ (1) to hit, split, cleave, open (a fruit)
(2) nutritious, nourishing
(3) to add, complement, supplement
(4) to appoint, name
* ☊
VNEN bổ túc * ☊ to supplement, complement * ☊
VNEN chúc tụng * ☊ to complement, praise, toast * ☊
VNEN hỗ bổ * ☊ complementary * ☊
VNEN phần phụ * ☊ appendage, complement * ☊
VNEN trạng ngữ * ☊ adverbial phrase, adverbial complement * ☊
VNEN túc từ * ☊ object, complement (grammatical) * ☊