Beginner Level Intermediate Level Advanced Level

Specific Notions

SNOT: comfortable Health and body care • personal comfort

OXF3000: sự an ủi comfort
14 These chairs aren't beautiful, but they're comfortable. Mấy cái ghế này không đẹp, nhưng nó tiện.
546 The hotel was comfortable, but it wasn't expensive. Khách sạn thoải mái nhưng lại không đắt.
1846 uncomfortable? Tối qua tôi ngủ không ngon. - Vậy à? Giường không được thoải mái à?

BNC6000 : comfort [ Rank: 2827 ] n 👪
BNC6000 : comfort [ Rank: 5052 ] v 👪

OPD : comfort Childcare and Parenting
OPD : uncomfortable Feelings

FN: comfort n Experiencer_focus
FN: comfort v Experiencer_obj

VSLW123 dễ chịu comfortable, cosy vsl2
VSLW123 tiện nghi convenient, comfortable vsl2
VSLW123 an ủi to console, to comfort vsl2
VSLW123 tiện nghi conveniences, comfortable vsl3
VSLW123 tiện nghi conveniences, comfortable vsl3
VSLW123 thoải mái comfortable, pleasant, easy going vsl3

50L Xin bạn hãy tự nhiên. * Make yourself comfortable! 022
50L Một chiếc xe thoải mái * a comfortable car 080
50L Tôi cần một chiếc xe thoải mái. * I need a comfortable car. 081
50L Khách sạn tuy thoải mái, nhưng mà đắt / mắc quá. * The hotel was comfortable, but too expensive. 100

like: comfort
VNEN an lòng * relaxed, having peace of mind, calm, comfortable *
VNEN an lạc * peace and comfort or contentment *
VNEN an ủi * to comfort, console, mitigate, ease, alleviate; comfort, solace *
VNEN an ủi mình * to comfort oneself *
VNEN an ủi nạn nhân * to comfort the victims *
VNEN buợc bội * discomfort *
VNEN bức bối * uncomfortable, ill at ease *
VNEN chân giày chân dép * to live in material comfort *
VNEN có ăn * well-to-do, comfortably off *
VNEN cảm thấy khó chịu * to feel uncomfortable *
VNEN dư dả * having enough and to spare, comfortable *
VNEN dễ chịu * comfortable, pleasant, convenient *
VNEN dễ thở * comfortable *
VNEN khuyên dỗ * comfort, console *
VNEN khó chịu * uncomfortable, unpleasant *
VNEN là nguồn an ủi của người nào * to be a comfort to someone *
VNEN một chút an ủi * a grain of comfort *
VNEN một điều an ủi lớn * a great comfort *
VNEN ngứa tai * shock the ears, feel uncomfortable at hearing something shocking the ears *
VNEN no đủ * comfortably off *
VNEN nông nỗi * plight, uncomfortable emotional state, situation *
VNEN sự an ủi * comfort, consolation *
VNEN thắc mắc * (1) worried, anxious, uneasy, uncomfortable, ill at ease; worry, concern
(2) a question
VNEN tiện nghi * comfort, convenience *
VNEN tìm sự an ủi * to seek comfort *
VNEN tìm sự an ủi ở tôn giáo * to seek comfort in religion *
VNEN tự an ủi * to comfort oneself *
VNEN tự an ủi mình rằng * to comfort oneself that *
VNEN vỗ về * to comfort, console *
VNEN vỗ yên * to comfort, console *
VNEN yên tâm * comfortable, at ease *
VNEN ăn chắc mặc bền * comfort is better than pride *
VNEN đời sống no đủ * to be comfortably off *
VNEN ấm cúng * comfortable, snug, cozy, warm; harmonious, united *
VNEN ấm no * (well) clothed and fed, well off, comfortable *
VNEN ủy * (1) to appoint, designate, entrust
(2) to comfort, reassure, console
VNEN ủy lạo * to comfort, console *