Beginner Level Intermediate Level Advanced Level

Specific Notions

SNOT: closed Free time, entertainment • exhibitions, museums, etc.
SNOT: to close Free time, entertainment • exhibitions, museums, etc.

OXF3000: gần close
295 The museum closes at ve (5) in the afternoon. Bảo tàng đóng cửa lúc năm giờ chiều.
563 Yesterday was a holiday, so the banks were closed. They're open today. Hôm qua là ngày lễ nên ngân hàng đóng cửa, Hôm nay họ mở cửa.
1094 The bridge is closed. It got damaged last week, and it hasn't berepaired yet. Cái cầu đang bị đóng cửa. Nó bị hỏng tuần trước và nó chưa được sửa chữa.
1122 What time do the stores close? Các cửa hàng khi nào đóng cửa?
1445 This highway is closed. Drivers must take another road. Đường cao tốc này đã đóng. Lái xe phải đi một đường khác.
1829 You closed the window, didn't you? — Yes, I think so. Cậu đã đóng cửa phải không? - Đúng vậy.
2499 You wanted to visit a museum. It was closed when you got there. > The museum we were going to visit was closed when we got there. Bạn muốn tham quan một viện bảo tàng. Nó đóng cửa lúc bạn đến. > Viện bảo tàng chúng tôi định đến đã đóng cửa khi chúng tôi tới.
2702 It's too late to go to the bank now. By the time we get there, it'll be closed. Bây giờ quá muộn để đi ngân hàng. Đến khi chúng ta tới đó thì nó sẽ không mở cửa.

BNC6000 : close [ Rank: 774 ] a 👪
BNC6000 : close [ Rank: 1277 ] adv 👪
BNC6000 : close [ Rank: 664 ] v 👪

OPD : Close your book. A classroom
OPD : closet A Bedroom

FN: close to a
FN: close a Social_connection
FN: close a Margin_of_resolution
FN: close a Attention
FN: close a Gradable_proximity
FN: close v Closure
FN: close v Body_movement
FN: close v Locale_closure

VSLW123 đây this (here, close at hand) vsl1
VSLW123 bạn thân close friend vsl1
VSLW123 đóng to close vsl1
VSLW123 tủ closet vsl2
VSLW123 thân (bạn...) close (...friend) vsl2
VSLW123 đóng cửa to close a door vsl2
VSLW123 bạn thân closed friend vsl3
VSLW123 kế bên nearby, closeby,close at hand vsl3
VSLW 45 bạn thân close friend [ Intro to Reading ]
VSLW 45 chặt chẽ closely, tightly [ Topic Reading ]
VSLW 45 cận close to, approaching to [ Topic Reading ]
VSLW 45 giáp (cận) close to [ Topic Reading ]
VSLW 45 bám sát to stick, to follow closely [ Basic Reading ]
VSLW 45 gắn bó to be tight with ..., to be very closely connected with something [ Basic Reading ]
VSLW 45 sát close, closely [ Basic Reading ]
VSLW 67 sát closely [ Intermediate Reading ]
VSLW 67 khui to disclose [ Advanced Reading ]
VSLW 67 bị lộ to be disclosed [ Advanced Reading ]

VSLS Thỉnh thoảng đi thăm một vài người bạn thân. Sometimes I go visit a few close friends. vsl2

50L Cửa nhà đã khóa. * The front door is closed. 019
50L Hãy đóng cửa sổ, trước khi bạn đi ra ngoài. * Close the window before you go out. 096

like: close
VNEN a mi * close or intimate friend; to flatter *
VNEN anh em bạn * good, close (sibling-like) friend *
VNEN bao * (1) how much, many, so much, so many, some, any
(2) envelope, bag, pack, case, sleeve; to cover, enclose
VNEN bàng cận * to be close by *
VNEN bàng tiếp * close by, neighboring, neighbor, next, adjacent *
VNEN bám sát * to follow close or hard on somebody’s heels *
VNEN bãi trường * school vacation, school dismissed; to close a school, shut a school *
VNEN bén mảng * to approach, near, come close to, come near *
VNEN bít * to close up, fill up, block *
VNEN bạn thân * intimate friend, close friend, dear friend *
VNEN bạn tri âm * close friend *
VNEN bấm gáy * clip close *
VNEN bế * (1) to carry in one’s arms (a child), pick up
(2) close
VNEN bế môn * to close the door *
VNEN bế môn tỏa cảng * to close (sea)ports *
VNEN bế mạc * to adjourn, close, conclude, end, wind up *
VNEN bế quan tỏa cảng * closed door, harbor policy *
VNEN bế tỏa * to close, block, blockade *
VNEN bồ * (1) friend, pal, chum; close
(2) basket
(3) reed, rush
VNEN bộc lộ * to expose, uncover, reveal, divulge, disclose, open *
VNEN bụm miệng * to gag, close one’s mouth *
VNEN chính sách bế quan tỏa cảng * the closed-door policy *
VNEN chít chung * all over, close together *
VNEN chật chội * narrow, closed in *
VNEN chặc chẽ * tight, close *
VNEN chặt * (1) fast, close, tight; solid
(2) to cut, chop down
VNEN chặt chẽ * tight, close *
VNEN cái chỗ gần nhất * the closest place *
VNEN cái tủ đựng quần áo * closet, dresser, wardrobe *
VNEN cười híp mắt * smile and half close the eye *
VNEN cấm đạo * blocked road, no thoroughfare, road closed *
VNEN cầu tiêu * toilet, bathroom, latrine, water closet *
VNEN cận * near, close to *
VNEN cận cảnh * close-up, foreground *
VNEN cận lân * close neighbors *
VNEN cố kết * rally, unite closely *
VNEN cụp * to close, hang loose, lower *
VNEN dim * half-close (one’s eyes) *
VNEN dấp dính * slimily wet, half-closed *
VNEN dẹp tiệm * to close up shop, stop trading *
VNEN ghé tai * put one’s mouth close to someone’s ears and whisper something *
VNEN giáp * (1) bordering, near, adjacent, close to, before
(2) 1st cycle of the twelve years of the Chinese zodiac
VNEN gấp * (1) to be X times more than
(2) to fold, close
(3) urgent, pressing, in a hurry
VNEN gần * near, close to (place, time) *
VNEN gần chết * about to die, close to death *
VNEN gần giống * to closely resemble *
VNEN gần gũi * near, close (by) *
VNEN gần gũi với * to be close to, near to *
VNEN gần gặn * near, close by *
VNEN gần gụi * keep in close touch with the masses *
VNEN gần kề * close at hand *
VNEN gần ngót * almost, close to, nearly *
VNEN gần nhà * nearby, close to one’s home *
VNEN gần như vậy * this close *
VNEN gần trưa * close to noon *
VNEN gập * to fold, close (a book) *
VNEN gập lại * to close (book) *
VNEN gập sách lại * to close a book *
VNEN gắn liền * to connect closely, go with, be related to, join *
VNEN gặng * to question closely *
VNEN hấp him * half-closed (eyes) *
VNEN hấp hơi * stuffy, close *
VNEN hệ thống tự động đóng lại * automatic recloser system *
VNEN họ gần * close (family) relation *
VNEN hợp tác chặt chẽ với nhau * to work closely together, cooperate closely with each other *
VNEN khoảng gần * approximately, close to, near *
VNEN khách tri âm * close friend *
VNEN khép * to shut, close (down), condemn *
VNEN khép cửa * to close (a door) *
VNEN khép cửa lại * to reclose (a door) *
VNEN khép hờ * to close (but not completely) *
VNEN khít * close, tight, well-joined, flush, next to *
VNEN khít khao * close, tight *
VNEN khóa lại * to relock, reclose *
VNEN khóa sổ * to close an account, close a list *
VNEN khảo vấn * question closely (cadidaties) *
VNEN kim lan * close friend *
VNEN kiểm soát chặt chẽ * to control tightly, closely *
VNEN * (1) to follow closely, trail
(2) basket
(3) embankment
(4) latania
VNEN kèm * to go along with, guide; to include, add, enclose *
VNEN kèm theo * along with, together with; to include, enclose, attach, accompany *
VNEN kín đáo * discrete, secret, close *
VNEN kề * close to, near to; to move close to *
VNEN lim dim * half-closed eyes *
VNEN liên hệ chặt chẽ với nhau * to be closely related to each other *
VNEN lầm lì * taciturn, close-mouthed, silent *
VNEN lắng nghe * to listen (closely, carefully) *
VNEN lồng * to enclose, include, contain *
VNEN lồng trong ngoặc * to enclose in parentheses *
VNEN lộ * (1) street, road
(2) to come out, divulge, disclose, reveal
VNEN máy bay cường kích * close-support aircraft, ground-attack aircraft, fighter bomber *
VNEN máy cắt tự động đóng lặp lại * recloser *
VNEN mật * (1) honey, molasses
(2) gall, bile
(3) secret, confidential, classified
(4) dense, thick, close, intimate
VNEN mật thiết * close, intimate, near *
VNEN ngót * (1) almost, close to, nearly
(2) to diminish, decrease, become more compact
VNEN người bạn thân * close, dear, intimate friend *
VNEN ngậm * to hold, keep; to bear, endure; to close (mouth, lips) *
VNEN ngậm miệng * shut (close) one’s mouth-keep silent, hold one’s tongue *
VNEN ngồi khít khịt * to sit (very) close together *
VNEN ngồi sát nhau * to sit close to each other *
VNEN nheo * to look with one eye, close one eye slightly *
VNEN nheo mắt nhắm đích * to close one’s eye and aim at the target *
VNEN nhà ở áp cánh đồng * the house is close to a field *
VNEN như chân với tay * to be very close to somebody, be very intimate with somebody *
VNEN như cá với nước * close-knit, inseparable *
VNEN như hình với bóng * close-knit, inseparable *
VNEN như môi với răng * close-knit, inseparable *
VNEN nhắm * to aim at, target; to train; to close, shut (one’s eyes) *
VNEN nhắm mắt * to close one’s eyes, ignore *
VNEN nhắm nghiền * close (one’s eyes) tightly *
VNEN phòng xép * storage closet, cupboard *
VNEN quan thiết * closely connected, closely related *
VNEN quây * to enclose *
VNEN rào * fence; to enclose, shut in *
VNEN rò rỉ * to leak (out), disclose; leaky *
VNEN siết chặt * to draw tight, close (ranks) *
VNEN sát * (1) to stay close to; close, tight
(2) to kill
(3) scratched, bruised
(4) to examine
VNEN sát sườn * close to one, directly concerning (affecting) one *
VNEN sát sạt * very close *
VNEN sâu sát * having a deep understanding of, in very close touch with *
VNEN sít * very close *
VNEN sít sao * close-knit *
VNEN sít sịt * very very close *
VNEN sự thân thiết * intimacy, familiarity, closeness, friendship *
VNEN tan * to dissolve, disperse, evaporate, break up, rout, dissipate, melt, thaw, be over, be close to *
VNEN thanh toán * to clean up, close (account), dispose of, liquidate, murder *
VNEN theo dõi sát * to follow closely *
VNEN theo sát * to follow closely *
VNEN thiết cốt * very close, be essential *
VNEN thu hẹp * to narrow, close (a gap, distance), restrict, reduce, curtail *
VNEN thâm giao * very close *
VNEN thân * (1) intimate, close, dear
(2) person, body
(3) ninth year of the Chinese zodiac (“monkey”)
VNEN thân cận * close, intimate *
VNEN thân hữu * close, initiate friend *
VNEN thân mật * intimate, very close *
VNEN thân nhau * to be close to each other, be good friends *
VNEN thân nhau vô cùng * to be very close, be very good friends *
VNEN thân với * closely acquainted with *
VNEN thấu lộ * to disclose, reveal *
VNEN thật chặt * very tight, very close *
VNEN thắm thiết * close, intimate *
VNEN thều thào * (1) easy-going, lacksidasical
(2) to speak with a weak voice (as one close to death)
VNEN tiến gần tới * to approach, get close to *
VNEN tiến tới gần * to get close to, come up to, advance towards *
VNEN tiến đến * move in, move close to *
VNEN tiến đến gần * to get close(r) *
VNEN tiếp nối * to proceed, follow closely *
VNEN tiết lộ * to divulge, disclose, reveal; disclosure *
VNEN tiết lộ thêm chi tiết * to disclose, divulge more details *
VNEN trám * to caulk, stop, close, fill (tooth); filling (tooth) *
VNEN tâm tri * close, intimate *
VNEN tên chưa được tiết lộ * the name has not yet been disclosed, revealed *
VNEN tít mắt thành ngữ * close the eyes *
VNEN tỏa cảng * to close a harbor, seaport *
VNEN tới gần * to approach, get close to *
VNEN tới quá gần * to get too close *
VNEN tủ * chest, cupboard, wardrobe, closet *
VNEN tủ quần áo * closet, wardrobe. dresser, chest of drawers *
VNEN tủ áo * closet, wardrobe *
VNEN việc kiểm soát chặt chẽ * tight, close control *
VNEN vuốt mắt * to close somebody’s eyes *
VNEN vào lúc thị trường đóng cửa * at the close of trading, at the end of the market day *
VNEN xiết chặt * to grab, draw tight, close (ranks) *
VNEN xử kín * to try or hear in camera or private, try or hear behind closed doors *
VNEN áp * (1) to press (up to, against), place against, approach, get close
(2) to detain
(3) to pawn
VNEN áp sát * to get close to, come alongside *
VNEN áp sát vào * to get close to *
VNEN ép sát * to press closely, press tightly *
VNEN ép sát xuống đất * pressed close to the ground *
VNEN đi sâu đi sát * to keep in close touch with *
VNEN đinh hương * close (kind of spice) *
VNEN đáo đầu * draw to a close, near its end *
VNEN đính * to enclose, attach *
VNEN đóng * to close, shut, build, drive (nail), play, act (in a play) *
VNEN đóng bít * to close up, fill a gap *
VNEN đóng cánh cửa * to close the door *
VNEN đóng cánh cửa lại * to close the door *
VNEN đóng cửa * to close the door, shut the door *
VNEN đóng cửa lại * to close the door *
VNEN đóng cửa đối với thế giới bên ngoài * to close the door on the outside world *
VNEN đóng khung * to circle, enclose, frame *
VNEN đóng miệng * to close one’s mouth, keep one’s mouth shut *
VNEN đúng * (1) correct, exact, sharp (of time), accurate, correct
(2) to bind (book); to close, shut; to pay; to build, (3) to fit with, go with, agree with, be in accord with
(4) to play (a role), act
VNEN đưa con người lại gần nhau hơn * to bring people closer together *
VNEN đạy * to close (with a lid) *
VNEN đặc kịt * compact, close, dense *
VNEN đứng gác * to close, cordon off *
VNEN đứng kề kề * to stand very close to *
VNEN ở khoảng cách gần * nearby, close by, short-range *
VNEN ở sát * to be close to *
VNEN hẹp lại * to make narrow, to begin to close *