Beginner Level Intermediate Level Advanced Level

Specific Notions

OXF3000: yêu cầu claim
1991 They claim to have solved the problem. Họ khẳng định là đã giải quyết xong vấn đề.

BNC6000 : claim [ Rank: 889 ] n 👪
BNC6000 : claim [ Rank: 554 ] v 👪

OPD : Claim your baggage. An Airport

FN: claim n Statement
FN: claim n Claim_ownership
FN: claim v Statement
FN: claim v Predicting
FN: claim v Claim_ownership

VSLW123 xưng to call oneself, to proclaim vsl3
VSLW123 xưng to call oneself, to proclaim vsl3
VSLW 67 vô thừa nhận unclaimed [ Advanced Reading ]

like: claim
VNEN bá cáo * to broadcast, disseminate widely, publicize, make public, proclaim *
VNEN bắt đền * to claim damages, demand compensation or restitution *
VNEN bố cao * to announce, proclaim *
VNEN bố cáo * to proclaim, announce *
VNEN chiêu * to welcome, announce, proclaim *
VNEN cho * add, give; to, for; to say, claim; in order to; let, allow, permit *
VNEN chủ trương * to advocate, assert, maintain, allege, claim, contend; claim, contention *
VNEN công bố * to publish, make public, proclaim, announce *
VNEN dành lại * to wrest, claim *
VNEN giới nghiêm * proclaim martial law, impose a curfew *
VNEN hoan hô * to applaud, cheer, acclaim *
VNEN hò reo * to acclaim *
VNEN hỏi nợ * to claim a debt *
VNEN khai hoang * reclaim waste land, reclaim virgin soil *
VNEN kêu oan * to claim innocence *
VNEN kể công * to boast about, claim credit for *
VNEN ngâm * to soak, steep; to declaim, recite *
VNEN ngân nga * trill (when declaiming poems) *
VNEN nhận * to acknowledge, admit, accept, confess, receive, recognize to claim (land) *
VNEN nhận vơ * to claim something that is not one’s own *
VNEN phá hoang * to break (claim) virgin land *
VNEN suy tôn * to honor, proclaim *
VNEN sách hoàn * to claim back *
VNEN thốt ra * to speak, say, exclaim *
VNEN tuyên * to declare, proclaim *
VNEN tuyên cáo * to proclaim *
VNEN tự xưng * to assume, proclaim oneself, pretend (to be someone) *
VNEN vòi vĩnh * to clamor for, claim insistently *
VNEN xưng bá * to proclaim oneself king *
VNEN xưng hùng * to proclaim oneself a suzerain *
VNEN xưng vương * to proclaim oneself emperor *
VNEN xưng đế * to proclaim oneself emperor *
VNEN đòi * to ask, claim, demand, require *