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BNC6000 : choke [ Rank: 6028 ] v 👪

OPD : artichokes Vegetables
OPD : choke Medical Emergencies

like: choke
VNEN bóp cổ * to choke, strangle *
VNEN bóp họng * to strangle, choke *
VNEN khí mỏ * choke-damp *
VNEN mắc xương * to choke on a bone *
VNEN nghẹn * choked, strangled *
VNEN nghẹn ngào * to be choked by tears *
VNEN ngạt * to choke, suffocate, feel oppressed, breath with difficulty *
VNEN ngạt hơi * choked, stifling, suffocating, suppressive *
VNEN ngứa gan * to choke with anger *
VNEN sặc * (1) to choke (on sth)
(2) to reek of, give off a strong smell
VNEN ác ti sô * artichoke *
VNEN ép * to force, squeeze, press, choke, compel, crush *