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OXF3000: cẩn thận carefully
2381 If people drove more carefully, there wouldn't be so many accidents. Nếu mọi người lái xe chịu cẩn thận thì sẽ không có nhiều tai nạn đến thế.
2465 Read each of these sentences carefully. Hãy đọc cẩn thận từng câu này.

BNC6000 : carefully [ Rank: 1350 ] adv 👪

OPD : Listen carefully. Interview Skills

FN: carefully adv Mental_property

like: carefully
VNEN bù trì * to foster, bring up carefully, help wholeheartedly *
VNEN canh gác cẩn thận * to watch carefully, keep a careful watch on *
VNEN chuẩn bị cẩn thận * careful preparation; to prepare carefully *
VNEN gạn lọc * sort out carefully *
VNEN học kỹ * to study carefully *
VNEN kiểm tra cẩn thận * to inspect carefully *
VNEN kỹ * (1) carefully; careful, thorough
(2) prostitute
(3) skillful
VNEN kỹ hơn một chút * a little more carefully *
VNEN lắng nghe * to listen (closely, carefully) *
VNEN lọc lừa * to choose carefully *
VNEN nghe cho kỹ * to listen carefully *
VNEN nghe kỹ * to listen carefully *
VNEN nghe tôi cho kỹ * listen to me carefully *
VNEN nghĩ ngợi * to ponder over, consider carefully, worry about *
VNEN nhào nặn * knead (clay) carefully and model (a statue), mould *
VNEN nhá cơm * to chew rice carefully *
VNEN nhủ * instruct carefully, tell, say, council, advise *
VNEN nhủ con cái * to instruct one’s children carefully *
VNEN rất kỹ * very carefully *
VNEN suy nghĩ cho kỹ * to think carefully *
VNEN suy nghĩ kỹ * to think, consider carefully *
VNEN suy nghĩ lung lắm * to think very carefully *
VNEN suy tưởng * to ponder, think over, consider carefully *
VNEN thật kỹ * very carefully *
VNEN tuyển chọn cẩn thận * to choose, select carefully *
VNEN điều tra kỹ * to investigate carefully *
VNEN đọc kỹ * to read carefully *