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BNC6000 : candle [ Rank: 4106 ] n 👪

OPD : candle A Living Room
OPD : candle holder A Living Room

like: candle
VNEN bén gót * to hold a candle to; to reach, catch up *
VNEN bình hơi * gas candle *
VNEN bằng ánh sáng đèn cầy * by candlelight *
VNEN cây nến * wax candle *
VNEN nên * (1) ought to, should, had better
(2) candle
(3) so, that’s why, consequently, so, therefore, (4) become
VNEN nến * candle, wax *
VNEN đuốc hoa * lit candle in the bridal chamber *
VNEN đèn cầy * candle *
VNEN đọc sách bằng ánh sáng đèn cầy * to read books by candle-light *
VNEN độc chúc * lone candle *