Beginner Level Intermediate Level Advanced Level

Specific Notions

SNOT: cable television Free time, entertainment • radio, TV, etc.,
SNOT: cabaret, disco, theatre Free time, entertainment • cinema/theatre
SNOT: cabin Travel • public transport
SNOT: taxi/cab Travel • public transport
SNOT: taxi driver, cab driver Travel • public transport
SNOT: cabbage Food and drink • types of food and drink

2250 English has a lot of vocabulary. Tiếng Anh có nhiều từ vựng.
2251 Today I learned twenty (20) new vocabulary words. Tôi nay tôi học được hai mươi từ mới.
2898 Her speech in English was impeccable, so I complimented her afterwards. Bài nói bằng tiếng Anh của cô ấy thật hoàn hảo nên tôi ca ngợi cô ấy mãi.

BNC6000 : cab [ Rank: 4290 ] n 👪

OPD : Cable Finding a Home
OPD : cabinet A Kitchen
OPD : medicine cabinet A Bathroom
OPD : cabbage Vegetables
OPD : Cabinet Government and Military Service
OPD : cab Cars and Trucks
OPD : jumper cables Parts of the Car
OPD : supply cabinet An Office
OPD : file cabinet An Office
OPD : cable Computers

FN: cab n Vehicle

VSLW 67 thuyết phục to convince; convincable [ Advanced Reading ]

like: cab
VNEN bao kiếm * scabbard *
VNEN bao súng * rifle scabbard *
VNEN buồng * (1) room, cage, chamber, cabin
(2) bunch
(3) [CL for (body) organs]
VNEN buồng lái xe * driver’s cab (of a vehicle) *
VNEN bạch phân * white lead, lead hydrocabonate *
VNEN bắp * (1) corn
(2) [CL for ears of corn, cabbages]
VNEN bắp cải * cabbage *
VNEN bỉ ổi * contemptible, despicable *
VNEN bức điện * telegram, wire, cable, message *
VNEN chết toi * die of a communicable disease, die in an epidemic *
VNEN cáp * cable *
VNEN cáp ngầm * underground cable *
VNEN cáp quang * optical cable *
VNEN cải * (1) to change, reform, tap
(2) cabbage
VNEN cải bắp * cabbage *
VNEN cải bẹ * field cabbage *
VNEN cải trắng * white cabbage *
VNEN cải tổ nội các * to reshuffle the cabinet *
VNEN dây cáp * cable *
VNEN ghẻ * itch, scabies *
VNEN ghẻ chốc * scabies *
VNEN ghẻ cóc * black spotted scabies *
VNEN ghẻ nước * weeping scabies *
VNEN ghẻ ruồi * spotted scabies *
VNEN giây cáp * cable *
VNEN hèn hạ * vile, mean, despicable *
VNEN hội đồng bộ trưởng * cabinet council, council of ministers *
VNEN hội đồng chính phủ * cabinet council *
VNEN không áp dụng * not applicable, N/A *
VNEN khú * pungently sour (like sour cabbage turning bad, or damp clothes) *
VNEN kính phòng lái * cabin window (on an aircraft) *
VNEN loạt tự vựng * vocabulary *
VNEN mụp * tender cabbage shoot *
VNEN nguy khốn * inextricable, critical; in distress *
VNEN ngồng * to shoot up (of cabbage, tobacco plant); towering *
VNEN ngữ * (1) measure, limit, moderation
(2) despicable fellow
VNEN ngữ vựng * vocabulary (of a language) *
VNEN như mớ bòng bong * intricate, inextricable; embarrassed, perplexed, puzzled *
VNEN nội các * cabinet (government) *
VNEN phòng giấy * office, writing-cabinet *
VNEN phòng lái * cabin (of an aircraft) *
VNEN quốc vụ viện * council of national affairs, cabinet (in some countries) *
VNEN rau cải * cabbage *
VNEN sạch bóng * very clean, spotless, impeccably clean, shining clean *
VNEN thư phù * practice cabbalistic arts *
VNEN thừng chão * cord, rope, cable *
VNEN tiếng một * vocabulary *
VNEN toàn mỹ * perfect, impeccable, faultless *
VNEN toàn vẹn * integrity; unblemished, irreproachable, impeccable, infallible *
VNEN túp * hut, cabin, small house *
VNEN tắc xi * taxi, cab *
VNEN tủ thuốc * medicine cabinet, medicine chest *
VNEN tủ tẽ * kind, nice, amicable *
VNEN từ * from, since, of; to leave; to turn down; word, expression, vocabulary; temple guard; to renounce, give up *
VNEN từ vựng * vocabulary *
VNEN văn phòng * office, cabinet *
VNEN vảy * scale crust, scab operculum *
VNEN vẩy * scab *
VNEN vết * spot, trace, mark, blur, splotch, stain, blob, scab, defect *
VNEN vỏ gươm * sheath, scabbard *
VNEN vốn từ * sub-vocabulary *
VNEN xe lôi * pedicab *
VNEN xe xích lô * pedicab *
VNEN êm thấm * peaceful, amicable *
VNEN điện tín * telegram, cable, wire *
VNEN đáng khinh * abject, ignominious, contemptible, despicable *
VNEN đánh điện * send a cable, send a telegram, cable *
VNEN đề cử vào một chức vụ nội các * to appoint to a cabinet office *
VNEN ổn thoả * amicable, satisfactory to all, everyone’s liking; to settle peacefully *