Beginner Level Intermediate Level Advanced Level

Specific Notions

SNOT: butter Food and drink • types of food and drink
SNOT: peanut butter Food and drink • types of food and drink

OXF3000: butter
1012 Butter is made from milk. Beurre được làm từ sữa.
2872 Cake consists mainly of sugar, our, and butter. Bánh chủ yếu bao gồm đường, bột và beurre.

BNC6000 : butter [ Rank: 3439 ] n 👪

OPD : butter Back From the Market
OPD : bread-and-butter plate A Restaurant
OPD : butterfly Birds, Insects, and Arachnids

FN: butter n Food
FN: butter v Filling

VSLW123 bướm butterfly vsl2

50L Tôi ăn một miếng bánh mì với bơ. * I am eating toast with butter. 017
50L Tôi ăn một miếng bánh mì với bơ và mứt. * I am eating toast with butter and jam. 017
50L Con bướm đẹp. * The butterfly is beautiful. 070

like: butter
VNEN buớm * butterfly *
VNEN bánh mì phết bơ * bread spread with butter, bread and butter, *
VNEN * (1) butter
(2) shameless; to ignore
(3) helpless
VNEN bơ ca cao * cocoa butter *
VNEN bơ sữa * (1) butter and milk
(2) self-indulgent, epicurean
VNEN bơi bướm * butterfly (stroke) *
VNEN bươm bướm * butterfly *
VNEN bướm * butterfly *
VNEN bắt bướm * to catch butterflies *
VNEN cá chim * butterfish *
VNEN gãi đúng chỗ ngứa * to butter up *
VNEN hồ điệp * butterfly *
VNEN miếng ăn * bread and butter, bread and cheese *
VNEN mềm như bún * as soft as butter *
VNEN ngậy * tastily rich, tasting deliciously buttery *
VNEN phết bơ * to butter, spread butter on *
VNEN quản gia * butter, housekeeper *
VNEN van bướm * butterfly valve *