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OXF3000: cắn bite

BNC6000 : bite [ Rank: 5920 ] n 👪
BNC6000 : bite [ Rank: 2765 ] v 👪

OPD : insect bite Symptoms and Injuries
OPD : get frostbite Medical Emergencies

FN: bite n Measure_by_action

VSLW 45 hàng cấm prohibited goods [ Topic Reading ]
VSLW 67 cắn răng chịu đựng bite the bullet (expression) [ Intermediate Reading ]

DUOS Con cá cắn. The fish bites. Alphabet Introduction 1
DUOS Con cá cắn cái ca. The fish bites the mug. Alphabet Introduction 1
DUOS Con khỉ cắn tôi. The monkey bites me.
DUOS Tôi không cần một người đàn ông. I do not need a man. ( # I do not bite a man.) Verbs 1
DUOS Làm ơn, đừng cắn tôi. Please, do not bite me. Common Phrases 2
DUOS Tôi sẽ cắn bạn nếu bạn muốn. I will bite you if you want. Future
DUOS Tôi bị cấm uống rượu. I am prohibited from drinking alcohol. Passive
DUOS Tôi bị cấm uống rượu. I am prohibited from drinking alcohol. Passive

like: bite
VNEN bị cấm * to be forbidden, prohibited *
VNEN bị cấm chỉ * to be prohibited *
VNEN bị cấm cản * to be forbidden, prohibited *
VNEN bị cấm đoán * to be forbidden, prohibited *
VNEN chị không có ăn thịt đâu * I don’t bite *
VNEN cắn * to sting, bite, bark *
VNEN cắn môi * to bite one’s lips *
VNEN cắn trộm * bite without barking (said of a dog) *
VNEN hoang * abandoned, uncultivated, uninhabited, virgin *
VNEN * (1) to cry out, shout
(2) overbite (teeth)
VNEN kiến cắn * ant bite *
VNEN kỵ thai * prohibited for pregnant women *
VNEN mèo cắn * cat bite *
VNEN ngoạm * to bite, snap *
VNEN ngậm đắng nuốt cay * to swallow a bitter pill, bite the bullet *
VNEN nói vụng * speak to one another in secret, backbite, speak in *
VNEN nói xấu * to speak ill of, backbite *
VNEN tuyệt đối cấm * absolutely forbidden, prohibited *
VNEN vung tay quá trán * to bite off more than one can chew, to *
VNEN vùng cấm * prohibited area, restricted area *
VNEN ăn cháo đá bát * to bite the hand that feeds one *