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Specific Notions

OXF3000: hành xử behave

BNC6000 : behave [ Rank: 2650 ] v 👪

OPD : misbehave A Family reunion

FN: behave v Conduct

VSLW123 ngoan ngoãn well behaved, obedient vsl3
VSLW123 ngoan ngoãn well behaved, obedient vsl3
VSLW123 ngoan well behaved vsl3
VSLW 45 ngoan good, well-behaved [ Intro to Reading ]
VSLW 45 ngoan good, well behaved [ Basic Reading ]

50L Những đứa bé ngoan ngoãn * well behaved children 080
50L Các con của bạn có ngoan không? * Are your children well behaved? 081

like: behave
VNEN bậy bạ * to misbehave, behave incorrectly, inappropriately; wrong, incorrect *
VNEN có hạnh * well-behaved, virtuous *
VNEN có thái độ * to behave *
VNEN cư xử * to behave, act, conduct oneself *
VNEN hành vi * act, action, deed, behavior, gesture; to behave, act *
VNEN hợm đời * behave supercilious *
VNEN khuấy rối * provoke an uproar in, behave rowdily in *
VNEN kênh kiệu * put on airs, give oneself airs, behave superciliously *
VNEN mất nết * ill-mannered, badly behaved, spoiled, naughty *
VNEN ngoan * nice, sweet, well-mannered, well-behaved, obedient *
VNEN ngoan ngoãn * to behave (nicely); well-behaved, obedient, docile *
VNEN nhắng * behave in a ridiculously domineering way, fuss domineering *
VNEN nhỏng nhảnh * behave in a flirtatious manner, have flirtatious manner *
VNEN nết na * well-behaved, well-mannered, virtuous *
VNEN tác quái * to behave perversely *
VNEN vụng ở * to behave awkwardly *
VNEN xử sự * behave *
VNEN xử thế * behave *
VNEN õng à õng ẹo * walk or behave flirtatiously or affectedlly *
VNEN ăn ở * to (eat and) live, conduct oneself, behave *
VNEN ăn ở bất nghĩa * to behave in a disloyal way *
VNEN ăn ở mực thước * to behave in a most exemplary way *
VNEN đành hanh * behave perversely, behave waywardly *
VNEN đãi ngộ * to behave, treat *
VNEN đối xử * to treat, behave towards, act towards *
VNEN đối xử với * to act, behave *
VNEN đối đãi * to treat, behave *
VNEN đớn đời * badly-behaved *
VNEN ứng thù * behave well in society *
VNEN ứng xử * to behave (oneself), comport oneself, conduct oneself *