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BNC6000 : assess [ Rank: 1570 ] v 👪

FN: assess v Assessing
VSLW123 đánh giá ☊ to value, to estimate, to assess vsl3
VSLW 67 thẩm định ☊ to appraise / to assess [ Advanced Reading ]

like: assess
VNEN luận công * ☊ assess the merits, assess the achievements (of a community) * ☊
VNEN lượng định * ☊ evaluation, analysis, assessment * ☊
VNEN phụ thẩm * ☊ assessor, juror * ☊
VNEN quyết đoán * ☊ appraise (assess) with certainty * ☊
VNEN tham tri * ☊ first assessor of a minister counselor * ☊
VNEN thẩm đoán * ☊ estimate, value, rate, assess * ☊
VNEN tự lượng * ☊ assess or estimate one’s strength * ☊
VNEN đánh giá * ☊ to estimate, evaluate, value, appraise, judge, assess * ☊
VNEN ức đạc * ☊ to estimate, value, rate, assess * ☊