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Specific Notions

SNOT: seaside House and home, environment • region

OXF3000: qua một bên aside

BNC6000 : aside [ Rank: 2375 ] adv 👪

VSLW123 ngoài besides, aside vsl3
VSLW 67 gác lại to leave, to put aside [ Intermediate Reading ]

like: aside
VNEN bờ biển * seashore, seaside, seacoast *
VNEN duyên hải * coast, (sea)shore; coastal, seaside *
VNEN dành * to set aside, put aside, reserve; to save, rescue *
VNEN dành chỗ * to reserve space, set aside space, make room for *
VNEN dành ra * set aside *
VNEN dành riêng * to reserve, set aside, save *
VNEN dành thì giờ * to set aside time *
VNEN * step aside *
VNEN dẹp qua một bên * to put aside, place to one side *
VNEN dự chi * to set aside, reserve (for), earmark *
VNEN dự trữ * to put by, lay aside, reserve, have a reserve of *
VNEN giành * to dispute, secure, reserve, set aside *
VNEN gạt * (1) to cheat, dupe, trick, deceive, beguile
(2) to reject, turn aside
VNEN hải ngạn * seashore, seaside, sea coast *
VNEN hải tân * seaside *
VNEN lánh xa * to draw aside, keep away *
VNEN ngoài * besides, outside, aside from, in addition; without, exterior, external; up north (referring to the northern part of VN) *
VNEN ngoài sự việc * aside from the fact (that) *
VNEN ngoài việc gia tăng sản xuất thực phẩm * aside from, in addition to increasing food production *
VNEN ngân sách dành cho khoa học * the budget set aside for science *
VNEN ruộng hương hỏa * rice field set aside for ancestral worship *
VNEN trữ * to save, keep, hoard, set aside, store (up) *
VNEN vùng đất dành cho khu kỹ nghệ * a region set aside for manufacturing, industry *
VNEN để thời giờ * to set aside, allow oneself time (to do something) *
VNEN đỡ * to help, assist (by assuming burden), parry, ward off, turn aside, prop, hold up, relieve *
VNEN dành cho * to set aside for *