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Specific Notions

OXF3000: việc ứng dụng application

BNC6000 : application [ Rank: 623 ] n 👪

OPD : Submit an application. Finding a Home
OPD : Pay the application fee. Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV)
OPD : fill out an application Job Search

FN: application n Purpose
FN: application n Using

VSLW 45 đơn application form [ Intro to Reading ]
VSLW 45 hồ sơ application form [ Topic Reading ]
VSLW 45 nộp hồ sơ to submit an application [ Topic Reading ]

DUOS Có nhiều ứng dụng trong máy tính của tôi. There are many applications in my computer. Abstract Objects 3
DUOS ứng dụng application Abstract Objects 3

like: application
VNEN chương trình ứng dụng * (computer) application *
VNEN hạn chót nhận đơn * the application deadline, deadline for receiving applications *
VNEN khất từ * request, application *
VNEN mẫu đơn * (1) application form
(2) peony
VNEN nhu kiện ứng dụng * application software *
VNEN nạp đơn * to submit an application, apply *
VNEN nộp đơn * to hand in a request, give up, hand over, submit an application, register one’s name (for something) *
VNEN nộp đơn xin * to turn in or submit an application *
VNEN sự áp dụng * use, application *
VNEN sự ứng dụng * application, use *
VNEN tờ đơn * application (form) *
VNEN xin việc làm * job application *
VNEN xét đơn * to consider an application *
VNEN đâm đơn * to submit an application, apply for *
VNEN đơn * application, petition, request; single; to file *
VNEN đơn từ * applications and requests *
VNEN đơn xin * application (form), request, requisition, petition *
VNEN đơn xin nhập tịch * naturalization application *
VNEN đưa đơn * submit an application *
VNEN đầu đơn * file an application (request, petition) *
VNEN đệ đơn * to submit an application *
VNEN đệ đơn xin việc * to submit a job application *
VNEN đội đơn * to submit an application *
VNEN ứng dụng * to apply, use; application, (computer) program *