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OXF3000: thông báo announce

BNC6000 : announce [ Rank: 815 ] v 👪

FN: announce v Statement
FN: announce v Omen

VSLW 45 công bố to announce [ Intro to Reading ]
VSLW 45 thông báo to announce / announcement [ Topic Reading ]
VSLW 45 thông cáo announcement, communiqué [ Topic Reading ]

like: announce
VNEN a lô * hello (on phone, in announcements), attention! *
VNEN báo * (1) to announce, report
(2) newspaper
(3) panther
(4) to return, give back
VNEN báo cho * to announce to (sb) *
VNEN báo hỉ * to announce a marriage or wedding; wedding announcement *
VNEN báo tin * to advise, inform, announce, notify *
VNEN báo tiệp * announce a victory *
VNEN bố cao * to announce, proclaim *
VNEN bố cáo * to proclaim, announce *
VNEN chiêu * to welcome, announce, proclaim *
VNEN cho biết * to announce, report, provide information, tell, make known *
VNEN cho hay * to announce *
VNEN cho đó * to state, announce *
VNEN chính thức tuyên bố * to officially announce *
VNEN cáo * (1) to announce, report; to feign, fake
(2) fox
VNEN cáo bạch * announcement, pamphlet; to notify *
VNEN cáo chung * to announce (the end of something) *
VNEN cáo phó * death announcement *
VNEN cáo thị * announcement, notice, proclamation *
VNEN công bố * to publish, make public, proclaim, announce *
VNEN ghi nhận * statement; to state, announce, record, note, acknowledge, report *
VNEN kêu án * to announce, give a verdict *
VNEN loan * to announce, make known *
VNEN loan báo * to announce, make known, inform; announcement *
VNEN loan báo chính thức * (to make an) official announcement *
VNEN loan tin * to announce, report *
VNEN lời rao * announcement *
VNEN * piece of wood struck during public announcements *
VNEN phát thanh viên * announcer *
VNEN phổ biến * to distribute, diffuse, make public, announce, spread, disseminate; popular, widespread, universal *
VNEN phụng báo * to have the honor to announce *
VNEN rao * to announce, advertise *
VNEN theo thông cáo * according to the announcement *
VNEN theo tin cho biết * according to the announcement *
VNEN thông báo * announcement, report, statement, message; to inform, announce, make known, advise, warn *
VNEN thông báo quyết định * to announce a decision *
VNEN thông cáo * to tell, communicate; communiqué, notice, announcement *
VNEN thị * (1) market, city
(2) to see
(3) to show, reveal, announce
(4) persimmon-like fruit
VNEN tiệp báo * announce a victory *
VNEN tuyên bố * to declare, state, announce *
VNEN tuyên án * to announce, declare a verdict, (pronounce a) sentence *
VNEN tự dưng * sudden, unannounced *
VNEN xướng ngôn viên * radio or television announcer, newsreader *
VNEN công bố chính sách mới * to announce a new policy *