Beginner Level Intermediate Level Advanced Level

Specific Notions

OXF3000: trong số among

BNC6000 : among [ Rank: 450 ] prep 👪

FN: among prep Be_subset_of
FN: among prep Interior_profile_relation

like: among
VNEN chia đều * to divide or share something equally or fairly between or among *
VNEN giữa * between, center, (in the) middle, among *
VNEN kháo nhau * to talk (amongst each other) *
VNEN một trong số các * one of a number of; one among *
VNEN nhân hòa * harmony, accord (between or among people) *
VNEN nói với nhau * to talk to each other, talk among each other *
VNEN nằm trong số những người chết * to be (or lie) among the dead *
VNEN phụ vận * agitation and propaganda among women *
VNEN sống giữa * to live among *
VNEN trong * during; in(side), among *
VNEN trong chúng ta * among us *
VNEN trong dân gian * among the people, population *
VNEN trong giới nghiện hút * among drug addicts, among drug users *
VNEN trong số đó * among these, in this number *
VNEN tổng bãi thị * general strike (among market merchants) *
VNEN từng người trong chúng ta * every one of us, everyone among us, all of us *