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OXF3000: thừa nhận admit
1968 They admitted to having stolthe money. Họ thừa nhận đã ăn cắp tiền.
2893 We held a party to congratulate my sister on being admitted to law school. Chúng tôi đã tổ chức một bữa tiệc chúc mừng em gái tôi vì được nhận vào trường luật.

BNC6000 : admit [ Rank: 925 ] v 👪

FN: admit v Reveal_secret

VSLW 45 thừa nhận to admit, to recognize [ Basic Reading ]

like: admit
VNEN chuyển qua * to admit (to a place); to move *
VNEN chuyển qua bệnh viện * to admit into the hospital *
VNEN chấp nhận * to accept, approve, admit *
VNEN chịa thua * to admit defeat, yield *
VNEN cấm vào * no entry, do not enter, no admittance *
VNEN dung nạp * to admit, accept, tolerate *
VNEN khai * to declare, admit, testify, say *
VNEN kết nạp * to admit to *
VNEN nhìn nhận * to acknowledge, recognize, admit *
VNEN nhận * to acknowledge, admit, accept, confess, receive, recognize to claim (land) *
VNEN nhận lỗi * to admit one’s mistake or one’s fault *
VNEN nhận tội * to admit to, confess (to a crime), admit one’s guilt *
VNEN nhập hội * be admitted to an association *
VNEN nhập viện * to be admitted to hospital, be hospitalized *
VNEN phải thú thật là * to have to admit that *
VNEN thu nhận * to accept, admit, confess, collect, receive, admit, take in; income *
VNEN thu nạp * to receive, admit, accept *
VNEN thú * (1) animal, quadruped
(2) pleasureable, delightful; pleasure, delight
(3) to confess, admit
(4) garrison force
VNEN thừa nhận * to recognize, admit *
VNEN tiếp nhận * to receive, admit, accept *
VNEN truy nhận * to admit the post factum *
VNEN tái thu nhận * to readmit *
VNEN đường cấm * no entry, no admittance *