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OXF3000: ngang qua across
1062 Some new houses are being built across from the park. Có một số ngôi nhà mới đang được xây dọc đường từ phía công viên.
2915 They happened to come across an important piece of evidence, and now he's in prison. Họ đã tìm được một mẩu bằng chứng quan trọng và giờ hắn đã ngồi tù rồi.

BNC6000 : across [ Rank: 2457 ] adv 👪
BNC6000 : across [ Rank: 474 ] prep 👪

OPD : run across the street Prepositions of Motion

FN: across adv Dimension
FN: across prep Distributed_position

VSLW123 đối diện across from..., opposite... vsl1
VSLW123 nảy ra một ý to come across the mind vsl3
VSLW 45 đối diện across from (location) [ Topic Reading ]
VSLW 45 đồng loạt across the board, at the same time [ Topic Reading ]

like: across
VNEN bay qua * to fly by, fly across *
VNEN bên kia * across, beyond, over, (on) the other side of *
VNEN bên kia đường * across the street *
VNEN bước qua * to cross (over), step over, stride across or over *
VNEN bắc * (1) to build (across something), put up
(2) north, northern, Chinese
(3) ferry boat
VNEN bắt gặp * to run across, meet by surprise *
VNEN chạy băng ngang qua * to run across, through *
VNEN chạy ngang * to run across, drive across *
VNEN chạy qua * to run through, across, drive past *
VNEN cầu ô * blackbird bridge, the mythical way across the milky way *
VNEN ngang * across, horizontal, through; level, equal *
VNEN ngang vai * at shoulder height, across one’s chest, person of the same age or generation, peer; on a par with, on an equal footing *
VNEN nhát gan không dám bơi qua sông * to be too weak-hearted to swim across the river *
VNEN qua * after, by, through, over; last (week, day, etc.); to pass by, go across, cross over *
VNEN qua mạng lưới * across, over, through a network *
VNEN qua nhiều thế kỷ * throughout, across the centuries *
VNEN thổi vào vùng * to blow through, across a region *
VNEN tràn qua * to spread across *
VNEN tràn qua biên giới Trung Quốc * to spread across the Chinese border *
VNEN trên khắp cả nước Mỹ * across the United States *
VNEN trên toàn quốc * across the (entire) country or nation, all over the country, nationwide *
VNEN viễn duyên * across the sea, ocean *
VNEN xuyên * to pierce, cross, go through; through, across *
VNEN đi băng qua * to go across, walk across *
VNEN đi ngang * to go across, through, straight towards *
VNEN đi ngang qua * to cross, go across *
VNEN đi ngang qua một con đường * to walk across a street *