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OXF3000: hấp thụ absorb

BNC6000 : absorb [ Rank: 2907 ] v 👪

FN: absorb v Soaking_up

like: absorb
VNEN bông gòn * absorbent cotton *
VNEN bông thấm nước * cotton wool, absorbent cotton *
VNEN chăn chú * to be absorbed in *
VNEN chất hấp thụ * absorbent *
VNEN cuốn hút * absorb, be absorbed, bind up *
VNEN cặm cụi * to be absorbed in sth *
VNEN cặm cụi làm ăn * to be absorbed in one’s work *
VNEN giảm xóc * shock absorber, buffer *
VNEN hì hà hì hục * be absorbed in, be engrossed in, be wrapped up in *
VNEN hí hoáy * to be busy with, absorbed in *
VNEN hùng hục * to be absorbed in *
VNEN hút * to inhale, smoke, suck (air, smoke) absorb, take up (water) *
VNEN hấp * to steam, braise, curse, dry-clean (clothes), inhale, absorb *
VNEN hấp thu * to absorb, take in, receive, imbibe, inherit *
VNEN hấp thâu * to absorb *
VNEN mài miệt * to be absorbed in, devote oneself to *
VNEN mê mải * to take (to), give oneself up (to), devote oneself to, be passionately fond (of), be absorbed in; infatuated *
VNEN mải * absorbed (in a task), engrossed (in something) *
VNEN mải mê * to be absorbed, engrossed (in something) *
VNEN ngấm * to soak, impregnate, absorb *
VNEN nhập vô * to be absorbed into *
VNEN say sưa * drunk, absorbed in, lost in *
VNEN thíp * to absorb *
VNEN thấm * (1) to be sufficient
(2) to penetrate, permeate, absorb, suck, grasp, sink into
VNEN vùi đầu * to be absorbed in sth, devote oneself to, lose oneself in *