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OXF3000: sóng wave
2996 I waved to the children on the bus, and they waved back. Tôi vẫy tay với bọn trẻ trên xe bus và bọn chúng đã vẫy lại với tôi.

BNC6000 : wave [ Rank: 1640 ] n 👪
BNC6000 : wave [ Rank: 3082 ] v 👪

OPD : Wave Meeting and Greeting
OPD : heat wave Weather
OPD : microwave A Kitchen
OPD : Break two eggs in a microwave-safe bowl. Food Preparation and Safety
OPD : Microwave for 5 minutes. Food Preparation and Safety
OPD : tidal wave / tsunami Emergencies and Natural Disasters
OPD : wave The Beach

FN: wave n Hair_configuration
FN: wave n Quantified_mass
FN: wave v Body_movement
FN: wave v Gesture
FN: wave v Moving_in_place
FN: wave v Cause_to_move_in_place

VSLW 45 sóng wave [ Basic Reading ]

DUOS Biển và sóng. Bạn và tôi. Sea and waves. You and me. Nature
DUOS sóng wave Nature

like: Wave
VNEN ba * (1) three, tri-
(2) father
(3) wave, ripple
VNEN ba kế * wavemeter *
VNEN ba đào * rolling waves, misfortune, ups and downs *
VNEN bước sóng * wavelength *
VNEN chao đảo * stagger, waver *
VNEN chần chừ * hesitant, undecided; to waver, hum and haw, dilly-dally *
VNEN chập chờn * to flicker, waver *
VNEN dao động * to shake, swing, oscillate, vary, waver, fluctuate *
VNEN do dự * to hesitate, waver, be unable to decide *
VNEN dư ba * rippling tail (of a wave), lingering tremor *
VNEN giục giặc * undecided, wavering, indecisive, uncertain *
VNEN hoa * (1) flower, blossom, bloom
(2) earring
(3) smallpox
(4) to wave, gesticulate
(5) Chinese
VNEN hoa chân múa tay * gesticulate, wave with the hands and *
VNEN huơ * brandish, wave *
VNEN la đà * to sway, move, wave; unsteadily *
VNEN làn * (1) basket
(2) [CL for waves, winds, trails]
VNEN làn sóng bất mãn * a wave of discontent *
VNEN làn sóng người * waves of people *
VNEN làn sóng ngắn * shortwave (frequency) *
VNEN làn sóng trung bình * medium wave (frequency) *
VNEN làn sóng điện từ * electromagnetic wave *
VNEN làn sống * wave, wavelength *
VNEN lãng * (1) wave
(2) to waste, squander
(3) bright
VNEN lưỡng lự * to hesitate, waver *
VNEN lừng khừng * hesitate, dilly-dally, waver *
VNEN lững lờ * hesitating, wavering, undecided, indifferent *
VNEN ngùng * to hesitate, pause, waver *
VNEN ngả nghiêng * to waver *
VNEN ngập ngừng * hesitatingly; to hesitate, waver, halt *
VNEN phất * to wave *
VNEN phất cờ * to wave a flag *
VNEN sóng * wave, radio wave *
VNEN sóng bạc đầu * waves white with foam, whitecaps, white horses *
VNEN sóng cả * big waves *
VNEN sóng cồn * surge waves *
VNEN sóng cực ngắn * ultra short wave *
VNEN sóng gió * wind and waves, ups and downs, troubles *
VNEN sóng gợn * ripple, small waves or undulation *
VNEN sóng siêu âm * ultrasound wave *
VNEN sóng triều * tidal wave *
VNEN sóng vô tuyến * radio waves *
VNEN sóng âm * sound wave *
VNEN sóng điện từ * electro-magnetic wave *
VNEN sóng đào * big waves *
VNEN thanh ba * sound wave *
VNEN thanh lãng * sound wave *
VNEN thập thò * hesitating, wavering, undecided (whether to go in or out) *
VNEN uốn tóc * perm, permanent wave (for hair); to curl or perm one’s hair *
VNEN vi ba * microwave *
VNEN vẩn vơ * vague, unclear, undecided, wavering, aimless, idle *
VNEN vẫy * to wave, wag, waggle *
VNEN vẫy chào * to wave goodbye *
VNEN vẫy tay * to wave one’s hand *
VNEN âm ba * sound wave *
VNEN âm lãng * sound wave, acoustic wave *
VNEN ăng ten nữa sóng * half wave antenna *
VNEN ăng ten phần tư sóng * quarter wave antenna *
VNEN đại thử * heat wave *
VNEN đợt * wave, stage *
VNEN đợt di dân * wave of migration, colonization *
VNEN đợt lũ * waves of rain *
VNEN đợt sóng * wave, stage *
VNEN xua tay * to wave off, dismiss with a wave of the hand *