Beginner Level Intermediate Level Advanced Level

Specific Notions

SNOT: V.D. Health and body care • ailments– accidents

VSLW123 cá nhân individual vsl2
VSLW123 dành cho to be reserved for vsl2
VSLW123 miễn là as long as, provided that vsl3
VSLW123 sinh động vivid, lively vsl3
VSLW123 ngoan ngoãn well behaved, obedient vsl3
VSLW123 miễn là as long as, provided that vsl3
VSLW123 ngoan ngoãn well behaved, obedient vsl3
VSLW123 miễn là as long as, provided that vsl3
VSLW123 xúc động to be moved, touched vsl3
VSLW 45 đứa individual, classifier for children or low-statured adults [ Intro to Reading ]
VSLW 45 hưởng thọ to have lived for [ Topic Reading ]
VSLW 45 bao ăn tối to provide dinners [ Topic Reading ]
VSLW 45 cung cấp to provide [ Topic Reading ]
VSLW 45 người có công person who served for the nation during the war [ Topic Reading ]
VSLW 45 xe cải tiến improved vehicle [ Basic Reading ]
VSLW 45 phân công to assign, to divide [ Basic Reading ]
VSLW 45 cung cấp to provide [ Basic Reading ]
VSLW 67 một cách dè dặt reservedly, conservatively [ Intermediate Reading ]
VSLW 67 xâm hại invade [ Intermediate Reading ]
VSLW 67 giặc ngoại xâm invader [ Intermediate Reading ]
VSLW 67 giặc ngoại xâm foreign invaders [ Intermediate Reading ]
VSLW 67 phân hóa to divide [ Intermediate Reading ]
VSLW 67 chai one million VND (slang) [ Advanced Reading ]
VSLW 67 chứng cứ evidence [ Advanced Reading ]

like: V.D.
VNEN Cô Liên đến chưa? * Has Miss Lien arrived yet? *
VNEN Lấy gì làm bằng? * What can we use as evidence? *
VNEN Phật Giáo tiểu thừa * Hinayana (Theravada) Buddhism, lesser path Buddhism *
VNEN Vệ Ðà * Veda *
VNEN anh hùng cá nhận * individualistically heroic *
VNEN ban cấp * supply (with), provide (with), furnish (with) *
VNEN bình phân * to divide equally *
VNEN bút cứ * written evidence, handwriting *
VNEN băng hình * video *
VNEN băng vidéo * video tapes *
VNEN bằng * (1) equal to, the same as, even, level, flat, calm, peaceful, safe
(2) to use, be made of; to travel by (means of), be transported by, run (using some fuel)
(3) friend, comrade
(4) diploma, certificate
(5) by means of, with, in (language)
(6) proof, evidence, sup
VNEN bằng chứng * evidence, proof, exhibit, witness *
VNEN bằng chứng cụ thể * concrete proof, evidence *
VNEN bằng chứng quan trọng * important evidence *
VNEN bằng cớ * evidence, proof *
VNEN bằng cứ * evidence, proof *
VNEN bị liên can trong * to be implicated, involved in *
VNEN bị lừa * to be cheated, deceived, swindled *
VNEN bị mất chức * to be removed from office *
VNEN can dự * to be involved, participate, take part; involvement *
VNEN can liên * involved in *
VNEN cao xanh * sky, heaven, providence *
VNEN chi cấp * to provide, allot, grant *
VNEN chia * divided, separate; to split, divide, separate, distribute, share *
VNEN chia cắt * to separate, break up, divide, partition, isolate, partition *
VNEN chia nhượng * to divide *
VNEN chia ra * to differ, be divided *
VNEN chia rẽ * to divide, separate; divided, disunited; division, discord *
VNEN chia thành hai loại * to divide into two categories, types *
VNEN chia xẻ * to split, divide, distribute, share *
VNEN chia đều * to divide or share something equally or fairly between or among *
VNEN chia để trị * to divide and rule, balkanize *
VNEN cho biết * to announce, report, provide information, tell, make known *
VNEN cho biết thêm về chi tiết * to provide more details *
VNEN chuẩn cấp * to agree to provide *
VNEN chưa có ai tin tưởng ở khám phá này * no one as yet believed in this discovery *
VNEN chạnh lòng * (to be) affected, (to be) moved; moved, affected *
VNEN chủ nghĩa cá nhân * individualism *
VNEN chứng * disease, ailment, symptom, sickness, illness; proof, evidence *
VNEN chứng cớ * evidence, proof, witness *
VNEN chứng cứ * proof, evidence *
VNEN chứng dẫn * to produce evidence (proof) *
VNEN chứng tích * evidence, proof *
VNEN com pa * compass, divider *
VNEN con gái rượu * beloved daughter *
VNEN cong tớn * bent, curved, arched *
VNEN cung cấp * supply (in a market); provide; to furnish, supply, provide *
VNEN cung cấp dịch vụ * to supply, provide a service *
VNEN cung cấp tin tức * to supply, provide information *
VNEN cung cấp tin tức về quân nhân Mỹ mất tích * to provide information on missing U.S. servicemen *
VNEN cung phụng * provide, supply; to wait upon, serve *
VNEN cung xưng * testify, give evidence, confess *
VNEN cung ứng * to answer, fill a need, supply, furnish, provide *
VNEN cuồng hứng * over-fervid, wildly enthusiastic *
VNEN * (1) fish
(2) individual, part, unit
(3) to bet, gamble, wager
VNEN cá nhân * personal, private, individual; personally *
VNEN cá nhân chủ nghĩa * individualism *
VNEN cá tính * personality, individuality *
VNEN cá tính hóa * to individualize, individuate *
VNEN cái đầu trọc * shaved head *
VNEN còng * (1) hunchbacked, bent, curved, arched
(2) handcuffed, bound; to handcuff
VNEN còng queo * crooked, curved, wry *
VNEN có bằng chứng là * there is proof that, there is evidence that *
VNEN có dính dáng * to be involved with, concern *
VNEN có dính dáng tới * related to, involved in *
VNEN có dính líu tới * to concern, be involved with *
VNEN có hạnh * well-behaved, virtuous *
VNEN có đủ bằng chứng * to have sufficient proof, evidence *
VNEN công ty cung cấp mạng * service provider *
VNEN cơ giời * providence *
VNEN cảm thấy nhẹ nhõm * to feel relieved, relief *
VNEN cảm động * to thank, thank you; moved, touched *
VNEN cấp dưỡng * to provide relief for (old or disabled person) *
VNEN cỏ ba lá * clover, a three leaved clover *
VNEN cố chí * resolved, determined, decided (to do something) *
VNEN cộc * (of garment) to be short(-sleeved) *
VNEN của riêng * individual property, private property, personal property *
VNEN cứ * (1) to continue to, go on, keep on (doing something)
(2) evidence, proof
(3) still
VNEN do * because of, caused by, due to; derived from; on; by (a person); to derive from, cause *
VNEN * (1) moderate, reserved
(2) to take care, spare, (3) to expect, foresee
VNEN dính dáng * involvement, connected, concerned, implicated, involved; to concern, get involved with *
VNEN dính dáng vào * to get involved with *
VNEN dính líu * to involve, concern, be involved; involvement *
VNEN dự phòng * backup; to provide for (some undesirable event) *
VNEN dự trù * estimated; to provide for, plan, stockpile provide *
VNEN eo * (1) curved; straights (water)
(2) waist, back
(3) horrible
VNEN giây giướng * get involved in (some trouble) *
VNEN giầu óc tưởng tượng * to have a good, vivid imagination *
VNEN giặc * pirate, invader *
VNEN giặc trời * invader, aggressor *
VNEN gãy góc * curved, rounded *
VNEN hiển nhiên * evident, obvious, clear *
VNEN hiển nhiên là * it is evident, obvious that *
VNEN hoành phi * horizontal lacquered board (engraved with Chinese characters) *
VNEN hoại nhân * vicious man, depraved man *
VNEN huấn luyện cá nhân * individual training *
VNEN hỏng ăn * be deprived of something to eat, not be given to eat *
VNEN hủ tục * depraved customs *
VNEN kem cốc * ice-cream served in glasses *
VNEN khinh hạm * vedette-boat *
VNEN kháng chiến * to resist (an invader); resistance *
VNEN không có dính dáng gì đến * to have no connection to, not be involved in *
VNEN không có một bằng chứng nào * to have no proof, evidence *
VNEN khảo chứng * check evidence *
VNEN kiều nhi * beloved daughter *
VNEN kẻ * individual, single, person, man; to write (on a sign) *
VNEN kẻ xâm lăng * invader *
VNEN kể * (1) to include
(2) to list, mention, declare, consider; to relate, tell (a story)
(3) individual, person
VNEN liên lụy * to be involved or implicated in *
VNEN lo xa * provident, far-sighted, foresighted, visionary *
VNEN ly gián * divide, cause disagreement between *
VNEN làm bằng * serve as evidence *
VNEN lãi * profit, interest, dividend; to earn a profit *
VNEN * (1) stubborn, obstinate, unmoved
(2) very smooth
VNEN lăng * (1) sheat-fish
(2) mound, hillock, imperial tomb
(3) angle
(4) to insult, offend, invade
VNEN lưng còng * curved, hunched back *
VNEN lại quả * portion reserved for the people who had brought engagement *
VNEN lảng tránh * to evade, dodge *
VNEN lậu thuế * to evade taxation *
VNEN lắt léo * complicated, involved, difficult, intricate *
VNEN lằn ranh * border, dividing line *
VNEN lịch sữ đã chứng minh rằng * history has proved, demonstrated that *
VNEN lộ liễu * evident, obvious, manifest, patent, evidently, obviously *
VNEN lợi tức cá nhân * personal, individual income *
VNEN minh bạch * clear, evident, transparent, explicit *
VNEN minh chứng * clear proof, clear evidence, clear sign *
VNEN minh tâm * engraved upon one’s memory *
VNEN miễn * (1) exempt (from taxes, e.g.); to forgive, excuse
(2) on condition, provided that
(3) reluctant
VNEN miễn là * as long as, on the condition that, provided that *
VNEN miễn sao * provided (that), providing (that), on condition (that), as long as *
VNEN mui luyện * the curved canopy atop a sedan chair *
VNEN mách * (1) to report, inform, provide information
(2) match (for starting fires)
VNEN máy quay phim * movie camera, video camera *
VNEN mạch rẽ * derived circuit, shunt *
VNEN mất nết * ill-mannered, badly behaved, spoiled, naughty *
VNEN mắc lận * to be duped, deceived, fooled *
VNEN mệnh trời * god’s will, providence *
VNEN mối * (1) termite, white ant
(2) house lizard
(3) end (of entangled thread or string), beginning (of an involved story); [CL for feelings, tensions, relationships], cause for (hope, worry, danger), customer, passenger
(4) liaison, go-between
VNEN một sự bất tín, vạn sự không tin * a liar is not believed when he speaks the truth *
VNEN mủi lòng * be moved, feel pity, feel compassion *
VNEN mứt * jam, sugar-coated fruit, sugar, preserved fruit *
VNEN mứt sen * sugar-preserved lotus seeds *
VNEN ngoan * nice, sweet, well-mannered, well-behaved, obedient *
VNEN ngoan ngoãn * to behave (nicely); well-behaved, obedient, docile *
VNEN ngùi ngùi * moved to tears, be touched or moved *
VNEN ngăn * (1) to prevent, hinder
(2) to separate, divide, part; partition, compartment, drawer
(3) to prevent, hinder
VNEN người * man, person, people, individual, body *
VNEN người thân * loved one, dear friend, good friend *
VNEN nhiều cửa * involved, complex *
VNEN nhà cung cấp * provider (of a service, e.g.) *
VNEN nhà đám * family busy with a burial, bereaved family *
VNEN nhân chứng * witness, proof, evidence *
VNEN nhân vật chính * central figure, individual *
VNEN nhân vật nói tiếng * famous person, individual *
VNEN nhìn xa trông rộng * provident, visionary, far-sighted *
VNEN nát bét * utterly divided, very confused *
VNEN * to dodge, avoid, evade, fend off, avert *
VNEN nét ngài * curved eyebrows *
VNEN nêu bằng chứng * to produce proof, evidence *
VNEN nói xạo * to lie, not tell the truth, provide inaccurate information *
VNEN nết na * well-behaved, well-mannered, virtuous *
VNEN nức * be pervaded with *
VNEN oan khổ * undeserved misfortune *
VNEN oan trái * karma derived from bad actions *
VNEN phao tang * plant false evidence *
VNEN phi tang * destroy the evidence, destroy the traces of crime *
VNEN phát hiện tang chứng * to discover proof, evidence *
VNEN phân * to distribute, divide *
VNEN phân chia * to divide, split up, distribute, allot, sort out,categorize *
VNEN phân chia lục địa * continental divide *
VNEN phân hóa * division, separation; to divide, separate *
VNEN phân liệt * split, divide *
VNEN phân ly * to divide, separate *
VNEN phân phát * to distribute, divide *
VNEN phân ra * to divide *
VNEN phân đoạn * segment, partition, segmentation; to divide up *
VNEN phân định * to divide, categorize *
VNEN phòng hờ * provide against all eventualities, keep at hand for eventual use *
VNEN phản chứng * counter-evidence *
VNEN phở * Vietnamese noodle soup served with beef or chicken *
VNEN qui định * specification; to provide, stipulate *
VNEN quy định * specification; to provide, fix, stipulate, define, specify *
VNEN quân phân * divide evenly, share out *
VNEN quân xâm lăng * invading army *
VNEN quý hồ * provided that, provided *
VNEN riêng lẻ * individually, severally, separately *
VNEN rành rành * evident, obvious, clear *
VNEN rõ ràng * clear, distinct, obvious, evident, plain *
VNEN rõ rệt * clear, evident, plain, distinct, specific *
VNEN rạch * (1) canal, stream
(2) to cut, rip, divide
VNEN rắc rối * complicated, complex, involved; complication, complexity *
VNEN rối rắm * very complicated, involved, confused *
VNEN sập * (1) carved bed, platform
(2) to slam, bang
(3) to collapse
VNEN số bị chia * dividend *
VNEN sớt * to share, pour to divide *
VNEN tang chứng * evidence, proof *
VNEN tang tích * evidence *
VNEN tay đã nhúng chàm * to get involved in a scandal *
VNEN thiên hựu * Providence *
VNEN thảm sầu * grieved, distressed, sad *
VNEN thấy cảm động * to feel moved, be touched *
VNEN thực hiện * to achieve, accomplish, fulfill, realize, provide, create, carry out, implement *
VNEN tiên kiến * preconceived idea, preconception; to foresee *
VNEN tiếp tế * supplies; to supply, provide *
VNEN tiền lãi * profit, interest, dividend *
VNEN tiểu thặng * hinayana, theravada *
VNEN tiểu thừa * southern Buddhism, Theravada *
VNEN triệng * shun, avoid, evade *
VNEN tránh né * to avoid, dodge, evade *
VNEN trình bày chi tiết * to provide details *
VNEN trốn * to flee, escape, hide oneself, run away, evade, shirk *
VNEN trốn lính * to dodge the draft, dodge or evade military service *
VNEN trốn thuế * to evade taxes *
VNEN trụy lạc * depraved, debauched, dirty, naughty, dissolute, profligate *
VNEN tách * (1) cup, cupful
(2) to split, divide, separate
VNEN tâm hồn nồng cháy * a fervid soul *
VNEN tư chất * character, aptitude, nature, individual *
VNEN tỏa * to spread, diffuse, pervade, radiate, emit, send out *
VNEN từng người một * one by one (individual) *
VNEN tự tân * be renewed, be revived, mend, grow better, reform *
VNEN tự tích * hand writing, written evidence *
VNEN tự đáp ứng * self-providing *
VNEN vi bằng * evidence, certificate *
VNEN vi đê ô * video *
VNEN vinh thăng * received a well-deserved promotion *
VNEN việc phân định * division, dividing *
VNEN vong quốc * lose one’s country (to invaders) *
VNEN vô can * not to be involved (in something) *
VNEN vô tang * be without evidence *
VNEN văn bằng * (1) degree, diploma, qualification
(2) evidence, proof
VNEN vương vít * be involved, tangled (in) *
VNEN vương víu * to get involved, be involved in *
VNEN vườn nức mùi hoa * a garden pervaded with the fragrance of flowers *
VNEN vạy * curved, bent, crooked, tortous *
VNEN vật chứng * material evidence *
VNEN vệ đà * veda *
VNEN xe cải tiến * improved cart *
VNEN xuất vốn * to invest (in something), provide funds *
VNEN xác chứng * conclusive evidence *
VNEN xác cứ * true evidence *
VNEN xâm * (1) to invade, usurp
(2) dizzy, giddy
VNEN xâm chiếm * to invade, conquer, occupy, seize *
VNEN xâm lăng * to invade *
VNEN xâm lược * to invade; invasion, aggression *
VNEN xâm lấn * to invade *
VNEN * to divide, rip, tear *
VNEN xé lẻ * divide into fractions *
VNEN xúc cảnh * to be moved by a spectacle *
VNEN xúc động * emotion, feeling; to be moved, touched (emotionally) *
VNEN yêu quý * dear, beloved; to esteem, cherish, treasure *
VNEN ác tăng * depraved, perverted monk *
VNEN ái nữ * beloved daughter *
VNEN áo thụng * (long-sleeved) ceremonial gown *
VNEN ô môi * apricots (or other small fruits) preserved in salt, licorice, *
VNEN ăn * (1) to eat (away at), attack, corrode, cost; to attend, celebrate, take part in (a event where food is served)
(3) to earn illegally
VNEN điếu tang * pay a visit of condolence (to some bereaved family) *
VNEN đá tảng * carved stone *
VNEN đáng đời * well-deserved, worthy, honorable *
VNEN đánh trống lảng * evade answering an embarrassing question by changing topics *
VNEN đã chia làm 2 phe * was divided into 2 groups *
VNEN đương nhiên * evident, natural, automatic; naturally, as a matter of course *
VNEN đường cong * curved line, curve *
VNEN đường phân thủy * divide *
VNEN đường viền * border, selvedge, hem, fringe, flounce *
VNEN đầu trọc * shaved head *
VNEN đầu video * video, videocassette, head *
VNEN đầy đủ * complete, sufficient, adequate, enough, full, well-provided *
VNEN đến lúc * the moment has arrived; to arrive at a (the) moment *
VNEN địa lũy * heaved block, uplifted block *
VNEN đồi bại * debauched, depraved, immoral *
VNEN đồi phong bại tục * immoral, depraved customs *
VNEN đồi trụy * immoral, corrupt, decadent, depraved, debauched, dissolute *
VNEN đồng chí * comrade, like-minded individual *
VNEN ưu tư * afflicted, grieved, distressed; worry, concern *
VNEN ảnh thoại * video phone *
VNEN ẩn khuất * hidden, concealed, reserved, secretive *
VNEN ống dẫn trứng * fallopian tubes, oviduct *
VNEN đỡ lo * to be relieved, stop worrying *
VNEN máy quay phim * (video, movie) camera *