Beginner Level Intermediate Level Advanced Level

Specific Notions

SNOT: names of plants, trees, flowers House and home, environment • flora and fauna

OPD : eggplants Vegetables
OPD : fertilize / feed the plants Landscape and Gardening
OPD : water the plants Landscape and Gardening
OPD : plants Nature Center
OPD : Plants Trees and Plants

VSLW123 tưới (cây) to water (plants) vsl2
VSLW 45 cây cối plants [ Topic Reading ]
VSLW 45 động thực vật hoang dã wild animals and plants [ Basic Reading ]

like: Plants
VNEN cây nông nghiệp * agricultural plants *
VNEN cây trồng * crop plants, cultivated crops *
VNEN gây giống * to breed (plants or animals) *
VNEN hải thảo * sea plants *
VNEN nhổ mạ * pull up young plants of rice *
VNEN nuôi trồng * rear (animals) and grow (plants) *
VNEN rong rêu * water-plants and mosses, sea-weed alga *
VNEN thảo mộc * plants, vegetation *
VNEN tưới * to water (plant), irrigate (plants) *
VNEN tưới bón * to fertilize (plants) *