Beginner Level Intermediate Level Advanced Level

Specific Notions

OXF3000: hôn kiss

BNC6000 : kiss [ Rank: 3678 ] n 👪
BNC6000 : kiss [ Rank: 2357 ] v 👪

OPD : Kiss Meeting and Greeting
OPD : kiss goodnight Childcare and Parenting

FN: kiss n Manipulation
FN: kiss v Manipulation

DUOS Anh ấy đồng ý hôn. He agrees to kiss. Verbs 2
DUOS hôn kiss Verbs 2
DUOS Hôn cơn mưa Kiss the rain Classifiers 2

like: Kiss
VNEN a * (1) (exclamation of surprise, regret, etc.)
(2) sickle
(3) to rush, dash
(4) to gather
(5) to flatter, curry favor with, kiss up to
(6) area of 100 square meters
VNEN cái hôn * kiss *
VNEN hun * (1) to fumigate, smoke out
(2) [=hôn] to kiss
VNEN hà hơi * blow with a wide-open mouth-give the kiss of life to, resuscitate *
VNEN hôn * to kiss *
VNEN hôn hít * to kiss *
VNEN hôn hít nhau * to kiss each other *
VNEN hôn lên tai * to kiss on the ear *
VNEN hôn tay * to kiss someone’s hand *
VNEN khuất nhục * kiss the dust, kiss the ground, submit *
VNEN một nụ hôn * a kiss *
VNEN nụ * bud, stud; [CL for smiles, kisses] *
VNEN nụ hôn * kiss *
VNEN quỵ lụy * to kiss the dust, cringe or kowtow to somebody, fawn *
VNEN thụp * to prostrate oneself, kiss the ground *
VNEN ôm hôn * embrace and kiss *
VNEN ôm đít * to kiss (sb’s) ass *