Beginner Level Intermediate Level Advanced Level

Specific Notions

BNC6000 : executive [ Rank: 4529 ] a 👪
BNC6000 : executive [ Rank: 1246 ] n 👪

OPD : Executive Government and Military Service
OPD : executive An Office
OPD : head chef / executive chef A Hotel

FN: executive n Leadership
FN: executive n Appellations

VSLW 45 thường trực executive, standing [ Topic Reading ]
VSLW 45 hành pháp executive [ Basic Reading ]

like: Executive
VNEN ban chấp hành * executive board, executive committee *
VNEN chi ủy * party cell executive, cell committee *
VNEN chi ủy viên * member of a party cell executive, member of *
VNEN chính chủ tịch * chief executive officer *
VNEN chấp pháp * executive *
VNEN cơ quan hành pháp * executive branch (of government) *
VNEN giám đốc điều hành * chief executive officer *
VNEN hành pháp * executive (branch of government) *
VNEN nữ cán bộ * woman executive *