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Specific Notions

370 He drinks a lot of co ee. It's his favorite drink. Anh ấy uống nhiều cà phê. Đấy là thức uống ưa thíc của anh ấy.
1544 I'm thirsty. I'd like a drink. Tôi khát. Tôi muốn uống.

OPD : Drink. A Day at School

VSLW123 nước ngọt soft drink/soda vsl1
VSLW123 tửu lượng drinking capacity vsl3
VSLW 45 uống nước nhớ nguồn When drinking water remember its source, to be grateful [ Topic Reading ]

VSLS Còn món uống, hai anh uống gì? For beverage, what would you two (to males) like to drink? vsl1
VSLS Anh Tom uống gì? Tom, what would you like to drink? vsl1
VSLS Vậy xin chúc mừng anh. Nào, chúng ta cạn ly đi! Congratulations (to a male). Let's drink to that! vsl2

like: Drink.
VNEN bia ôm * drinks accompanied by female companionship *
VNEN bét nhé * having a drawl from overdrinking *
VNEN bê tha * to take to drinking and gambling *
VNEN bể nước ăn * a drinking water tank *
VNEN cai rượu * to quit drinking, give up alcohol *
VNEN chén quan hà * farewell drink, parting cup *
VNEN cạn chén * to drink up (one’s glass of wine), drain one’s cup *
VNEN giải khát * to have a drink, quench thirst *
VNEN gọi rượu * to order (alcoholic) drinks *
VNEN hiếu tửu * to like alcohol, drinking *
VNEN hội ẩm * drink together *
VNEN hớp * sip (of a drink) *
VNEN khui bia uống * to open a beer (to drink it) *
VNEN ly nước * drinking glass *
VNEN ly rượu * (alcoholic) drink, glass of alcohol *
VNEN làm một ly * to have a drink (of alcohol) *
VNEN nghệ thuật uống trà * the art of tea drinking *
VNEN nhậu * to drink alcohol *
VNEN no say * eat and drink well *
VNEN nước * country, nation, state; water, liquid (for drinking); gum(s) (flesh surrounding teeth) *
VNEN nước giải khát * cold drink, soft drink, drinking water *
VNEN nước ngọt * soft drink; freshwater *
VNEN nước uống * drink, beverage; drinking water *
VNEN nốc cạn * to drink down, drink until empty *
VNEN pha rượu * to tend bar, mix drinks *
VNEN rượu chè * alcoholism, drinking (as a problem) *
VNEN rượu tăm * high quality rice spirits, strong drinks *
VNEN say bí tỷ * passed out, unconscious (from drinking) *
VNEN song ẩm * drink tea in one another’s company, make enough tea for two *
VNEN sáp * (1) wax, lipstick
(2) to drink
(3) to transplant (rice)
VNEN sự ưa chuộng uống trà * a fondness for drinking tea *
VNEN thức uống * drink, beverage *
VNEN thức ăn thức uống cứ ngộn lên * food and drink in plenty *
VNEN tiệc rượu * drinking party *
VNEN tu * (1) to drink straight out of a container
(2) to blush, be embarassed
(3) to enter a religion
(4) to repair
(5) beard
VNEN túy ông * drunkard, heavy drinker, demon of alcohol, dipsomaniac *
VNEN tửu lượng * drinking capacity *
VNEN uống * to drink, take (medicine) *
VNEN uống bia * to drink beer *
VNEN uống bia rượu * to drink alcohol *
VNEN uống cho * to drink to (sth), toast *
VNEN uống chùa * to drink for free, have sb else pay of one’s drinks *
VNEN uống cà phê * to drink coffee *
VNEN uống có một chén rượu đã ngà ngà * to feel tipsy only after drinking a cup of alcohol *
VNEN uống cạn * to drink sth dry, drink up *
VNEN uống la de * to drink beer *
VNEN uống máu ăn thề * to pledge or swear allegiance by drinking *
VNEN uống một hớp * to have a sip, drink a sip *
VNEN uống một ngụm bia * to drink a sip or mouthful of beer *
VNEN uống quá nhiều * to drink to excess *
VNEN uống rượu * to drink alcohol *
VNEN uống rượu có ngữ * to drink in moderation *
VNEN uống trà * to drink tea *
VNEN uống từng ngụm nước chè một * to drink tea in mouthfuls (gulps) *
VNEN ăn nhậu * to do drinking, indulge in drinking *
VNEN ăn uống * to eat and drink; to consume (food); cuisine, food and drink *
VNEN ăn uống thỏa thê * to eat and drink until one is full, satisfied *
VNEN đi uống rượu * to go drinking *
VNEN đàn đúm * to get together, socialize (for gambling, drinking) *
VNEN đối ẩm * to drink socially *
VNEN đồ uống * drink, beverage *
VNEN đồ ăn thức uống * refreshment, eatables and drinkables, food *
VNEN độ uống * drink, beverage *
VNEN độc ẩm * for a single drinker (of teapot) *
VNEN ẩm * (1) to drink
(2) humid, muggy, wet, damp, moist
VNEN ục ục * glug glug (drinking sound) *
VNEN ực * to drink down, swallow loudly *