Beginner Level Intermediate Level Advanced Level

Specific Notions

SNOT: divorced Personal identification • marital status

OXF3000: ly hôn divorce

BNC6000 : divorce [ Rank: 4000 ] n 👪
BNC6000 : divorce [ Rank: 5161 ] v 👪

OPD : divorced couple Families

FN: divorce n Forming_relationships
FN: divorce v Forming_relationships

VSLW123 ly dị divorce vsl3

DUOS Chúng tôi đã ly hôn năm năm trước. We divorced five years ago. People
DUOS Cô ấy không muốn ly hôn. She does not want to divorce. People
DUOS ly hôn divorce People

like: Divorce
VNEN bỏ * (1) to leave, quit, abandon (a policy), drop, divorce
(2) to insert, put, invest (into)
VNEN ly dị * to divorce *
VNEN ly dị nhau * to divorce (one another) *
VNEN ly hôn * divorce *
VNEN rẫy * (1) to clear land for cultivation
(2) see rặng
(3) to repudiate, divorce
(4) see rãy
VNEN vụ ly dị * divorce *