Beginner Level Intermediate Level Advanced Level

Specific Notions

SNOT: coins Shopping • prices

OPD : Coins Money
OPD : cash and coins Emergency Procedures

like: Coins
VNEN cọc * stake, post, stack (of coins) *
VNEN gieo quẻ * cast coins (used as dice, of a fortune-teller) *
VNEN hốt lú * kind of gambling (using coins) *
VNEN rủng rỉnh * clanging of coins *
VNEN sênh tiền * castanets with coins stringed *
VNEN tiền kim loại * coins (as opposed to paper money) *
VNEN xóc đĩa * game in which coins are shaken in a bowl *
VNEN đánh đáo * play at chucking coins *