Beginner Level Intermediate Level Advanced Level

Specific Notions

DUOS Quyển sách the book Classifiers 1
DUOS Quả táo the apple (1) Classifiers 1
DUOS Một cái đĩa a plate Classifiers 1
DUOS We read books / the books. Classifiers 1
DUOS We have books / the books. Classifiers 1
DUOS Tôi đọc cuốn sách của mình. I read my book. Classifiers 1
DUOS Cái bánh táo the apple cake / apple pie Classifiers 1
DUOS Tôi ăn quả táo. I eat the apple. Classifiers 1
DUOS The glass Classifiers 1
DUOS Trái táo the apple (2) Classifiers 1
DUOS Chiếc ghế the chair (1) Classifiers 1
DUOS Nó là một tờ báo. It is a newspaper. Classifiers 1
DUOS Cuốn thực đơn The menu Classifiers 1
DUOS Thực đơn the menu Classifiers 1
DUOS Chiếc bánh mì The bread Classifiers 1
DUOS Cái ghế the chair (2) Classifiers 1

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