Beginner Level Intermediate Level Advanced Level

Specific Notions

SNOT: part of the country House and home, environment • region
SNOT: area House and home, environment • region
SNOT: farmland House and home, environment • region
SNOT: industry House and home, environment • region
SNOT: farm House and home, environment • region
SNOT: factory House and home, environment • region
SNOT: fields House and home, environment • region
SNOT: forest/wood House and home, environment • region
SNOT: hill House and home, environment • region
SNOT: lake House and home, environment • region
SNOT: valley House and home, environment • region
SNOT: mountain House and home, environment • region
SNOT: canal House and home, environment • region
SNOT: river House and home, environment • region
SNOT: sea House and home, environment • region
SNOT: seaside House and home, environment • region
SNOT: coast House and home, environment • region
SNOT: beach House and home, environment • region
SNOT: island House and home, environment • region
SNOT: water House and home, environment • region
SNOT: land House and home, environment • region
SNOT: top House and home, environment • region
SNOT: bottom House and home, environment • region
SNOT: flat House and home, environment • region
SNOT: con sông river
SNOT: cù lao island
SNOT: diện tích area
SNOT: dấu giáng flat
SNOT: dẹp lép flat
SNOT: dẹt flat
SNOT: giang river
SNOT: river
SNOT: hòn núi mountain
SNOT: hòn đảo island
SNOT: hải sea
SNOT: hải tân seaside
SNOT: hải đảo island
SNOT: kênh đào canal
SNOT: lũng valley
SNOT: một bãi cát beach
SNOT: nông trang farm
SNOT: nông trại farm
SNOT: núi mountain
SNOT: nước lã water
SNOT: ruộng đồng fields
SNOT: sóng soài flat
SNOT: thung lũng valley
SNOT: thủy water
SNOT: tẹt flat
SNOT: vận hà canal
SNOT: đáy bottom
SNOT: đường trũng valley
SNOT: đồi hill

like: • region