Beginner Level Intermediate Level Advanced Level

Specific Notions

SNOT: name Personal identification • name
SNOT: first name/Christian name/ forename Personal identification • name
SNOT: surname/family name Personal identification • name
SNOT: initials Personal identification • name
SNOT: Mr. Personal identification • name
SNOT: Mrs. Personal identification • name
SNOT: Miss Personal identification • name
SNOT: Ms. (writing) Personal identification • name
SNOT: to write/to spell Personal identification • name
SNOT: names of letters of the alphabet Personal identification • name
SNOT: to call Personal identification • name
SNOT: to be/to be called Personal identification • name
SNOT: to sign Personal identification • name
SNOT: signature Personal identification • name
SNOT: letter Personal identification • name
SNOT: chữ ký signature
SNOT: danh tánh name
SNOT: ký tên to sign
SNOT: lá thư letter
SNOT: đơn thư letter
SNOT: đặt bút ký to sign

like: • name