Beginner Level Intermediate Level Advanced Level

Specific Notions

SNOT: frontier/border Travel • entering and leaving a country
SNOT: immigration Travel • entering and leaving a country
SNOT: passport control Travel • entering and leaving a country
SNOT: visa Travel • entering and leaving a country
SNOT: customs Travel • entering and leaving a country
SNOT: to import Travel • entering and leaving a country
SNOT: to declare Travel • entering and leaving a country
SNOT: to open Travel • entering and leaving a country
SNOT: duty Travel • entering and leaving a country
SNOT: duty-free Travel • entering and leaving a country
SNOT: money Travel • entering and leaving a country
SNOT: to change Travel • entering and leaving a country
SNOT: currency Travel • entering and leaving a country
SNOT: biến dịch to change
SNOT: bóc vỏ to open
SNOT: chiếu hội visa
SNOT: chiếu khán visa
SNOT: dấu thị thực visa
SNOT: giấy chiếu khán visa
SNOT: hoán đổi to change
SNOT: hóa tệ currency
SNOT: mở nắp to open
SNOT: ngành hải quan customs
SNOT: nhập cảng to import
SNOT: tiền money
SNOT: tiền nong money
SNOT: đổi khác to change
SNOT: đổi thay to change

like: • entering and leaving a country