Beginner Level Intermediate Level Advanced Level

Specific Notions

SNOT: (to) buy House and home, environment • types of accommodation

VSLW123 mua to buy vsl1
VSLW 67 chạy chọt to buy one's way into something [ Advanced Reading ]
VSLW 67 mua chuộc to buy (sb) over, to bribe, to corrupt [ Advanced Reading ]

VSLS Chào cô. Tôi muốn mua một vé đi Nha Trang. Hello. I want to buy a ticket to Nha Trang. vsl1
VSLS Em định mua vé đi đâu vậy? You (to a younger person) plan to buy ticket for where then? vsl1
VSLS Chào ông. Ông muốn mua gì ạ? Hello (to a male). What would you like to buy? vsl2
VSLS Tôi muốn mua một cái ti vi. I want to buy a TV. vsl2

like: (to) buy
VNEN chuộc * to buy back, bribe *
VNEN cất hàng * to buy goods *
VNEN cất hành * to buy wholesale *
VNEN cất nhà * to buy a house *
VNEN mua * to buy, purchase, get *
VNEN mua bán chứng khoán * to buy and sell stocks *
VNEN mua chịu * to buy on credit *
VNEN mua hàng * to buy goods, purchase goods *
VNEN mua hàng trực tiếp từ công ty * to buy directly from the company *
VNEN mua lẻ * to buy retail *
VNEN mua sắm * to buy, acquire, go shopping, shop *
VNEN mua trả góp * to buy something on credit, buy and pay in installments *
VNEN mua tặng * to buy presents *
VNEN mua tặng nhau * to buy presents for each other *
VNEN mua xe * to buy a car *
VNEN mua đồ * to buy things *
VNEN nhắm mắt mua càn * to buy a pig in a poke *
VNEN trả tiền vé * to buy a ticket *
VNEN tậu * to buy, purchase *
VNEN đặt mua * to place an order (to buy something) *