Listening Comprehension (random)

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Show me the answer for sentence # 1455

vợ + wife

vỏ vỗ vờ vỡ vớ vợ
like: vó
(1) jar, [CL for jarfulls]
(2) to rumple, crumble, crush, rub, scratch
(3) tangled silk thread

hoof lift net
(1) in-, im-, (negative prefix)
(2) in, at, on
(3) to go into, enter [= vào]

martial, military
to gather, collect, pick up, grab, snatch
shell, skin, exterior, bark, crust, peel, husk, sheath; tire vỏ
trick vố
to grab, seize, spring upon, pounce vồ
to clap, pat, slap vỗ
(1) to seize, snatch, grab
(2) sock
to feign, pretend, act vờ
(1) notebook, exercise book
(2) [CL for plays]
to break, rupture vỡ
wife vợ