Listening Comprehension (random)

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số + number sợ + fear

so sỏ sọ sồ sổ sỗ số sờ sở sớ sợ
like: sổ
to compare, liken so
clam, oyster
(1) to push, shove
(2) coarse gauze

(1) fiber
(2) to stir
(3) distant, rough, elementary, sketch (a rough draft of), primeval, primitive
(4) sister (religious title)

(1) skull, brain, cranium
(2) to take or mistake one thing for another
head sỏ
(1) amount, number, figure, quantity, size (of clothing), digit, edition; digital
(2) gear (of a car)
(3) destiny, fate, lot
bulky sồ
notebook sổ
petition to the king sớ
to stroke, feel, touch sờ
office, place (of work) sở
to be afraid, fear sợ