Listening Comprehension (random)

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Show me the answer for sentence # 1054

nhỏ + small nhớ + to miss; to remember

nho nhỏ nhọ nhô nhổ nhơ nhờ nhở nhỡ nhớ nhợ
like: nhỏ
(1) grape
(2) Confucian
to jut out, protrude, project; to raise, rise nhô
dirty, filthy nhơ
soot; to stain, smear, soil; black (person) nhọ
(1) small, young
(2) to drop
to spit; to pull up, pull out, extract nhổ
to remember, recall, miss nhớ
(1) thanks to, owing to
(2) to turn over, be dependent on, reply on
(3) to ask (a favor), request, please
(1) of medium size, medium-sized
(2) to miss (train, meal, etc.)
rope, string, fine cord; sweetish nhợ