Listening Comprehension (random)

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Show me the answer for sentence # 647

+ to dream mở + to open

mo mỏ mồ mổ mỗ mộ mờ mở mỡ mớ mợ
like: mo
(1) sheath, (2) sorcerer mo
to grope, fumble, hunt, touch, feel
to touch, interfere with something
hill, mound; what, where; tissue
piece of wood struck during public announcements
(1) to dream
(2) apricot-tree

mine, quarry; mouth, beak, bill, spout mỏ
abutment (of a bridge) mố
(1) grave, tomb mồ
to operate, cut up, perform surgery, dissect mổ
I, me mỗ
(1) grave, tomb
(2) to love, admire, be fond of, be a follower of
(3) to recruit (soliders)
(1) to talk in one’s sleep
(2) lot, amount, batch
(3) hundred thousand
dim, blear, blurred, opaque, blurred mờ
to open, start, begin, turn on, set up mở
grease, fat mỡ
aunt, maternal uncle’s wife mợ