Listening Comprehension (random)

Click here to listen to sentence # 1682

Show me the answer for sentence # 1682

mẹ + mother mẹ + mother

me mẻ mẽ mẹ mề mễ mế mệ
like: mễ
tamarind me
batten, sesame
(1) to cut off, prune
(2) edge, border, space, area, side

(1) to faint, lose consciousness, unconscious
(2) to dote upon, be crazy about, infatuated

mother mẹ
(1) haul, catch (of fish); batch; beating, thrashing
(2) fermented rice
(3) chipped, nicked
appearance, air, outward show mẽ
(dialect) old woman; (dialect) urinate, make water, piss, pee mế
gizzard (of poultry) mề
trestle; (as a) cereals mễ
grandmother mệ